Oct 12, 2006 03:14
I know, I know. I said that I was going to try to get more regular at this, and I have failed. Miserably. Oh, well...
I bought Exit Lights!! I was so excited!! I love every song on that CD!! :D And I can't wait for Falling Up's new CD to come out next year. It's gonna absolutely rock, I know.
Speaking of music I love, I have recently been introduced to the music of DragonForce. OMG. It's so good. But be warned. Only check it out if you're turned on by ridiculous amounts of guitar shredding. >.> It's amazing. *drools* And what's even more awesome is that their lyrics are all fantasy-related. It's like something straight out of Lord of the Rings or Final Fantasy or some other random RPG. They <3 dragons, and I do, too! ^^ Yet another reason for me to want to go to England... Yes, that's right. These guys are from England. <3
*nudge* Check out the poetry page if you're interested in my latest attempt at a poem...
Oh, and it's now official. My MySpace account has been cancelled. I didn't realize I hadn't actually deleted it until I got an e-mail telling me that Stephanie had requested to be my friend on there. Sorry, Steph! It's nothing against you. I just don't like MySpace and have no need for it. I barely keep up with my LJ as it is. >.> *coughs*
Anyways, I'd also like to make a request for some prayer. I really need it right now. I'm struggling with an issue. Well, mostly just with putting my trust in God when it comes to certain areas of my life. *cough* The relationship area *cough* I guess I just get impatient. *sighs* So, I need some help with learning to wait on God and trust that He'll put that guy in my life when the time is right. Until then, I just need to concentrate on building my relationship with God. So, prayers are much appreciated if there are those of you who are willing to give them.
I suppose that's all for now. Poke me with some comments, and I just might update more. And when I say comments, I mean meaningful comments. >.> Stephanie...