May 01, 2006 17:17
16 days until graduation...12 not counting weekends...
I want to say that I could really care less about graduation but i wont. Mainly because graduation means the end of a lot of things. No more five am wake up calls, unless for some ungodly reason I have class at 7 am. No more mom asking why i dont have homework (until school starts up again. No more seeing a bunch of shit-for-brains every day.
But then it also means leaving this small town (which im not really all THAT upset about) and leaving my family. Ian included. I think that my relationship with my parents will smooth out once im gone, mainly because I can deal with them in small doses. I'm going to miss jim though. ALot of my life has been spent with him.
And Ian. Ugh. Leaving him behind is going to be the biggest pain of all. I've gotten so used to the idea of him being around. Seeing him, laughing with/at him. I love him so much, and despite Tracey's assurences that we can be together even with the two hour difference I'm still sad. I don't want to take the chance that we won't be together. But its too late. I'm going. I love'll be okay.