Dec 29, 2014 19:36
Name:Maka Albarn
Series:Soul Eater
Canon Point:Chapter 72
Date Arrived:March 23rd, 2010.
Nationality:Japanese-European (specific nationality of the latter is unknown); born and raised in Death City, Nevada, America.
Height:5 feet 0 inches.
Weight:100 pounds.
Hair:Dirty blonde; shoulder-blade length; usually in pigtails.
Eyes:Bright green.
Appearance:A young girl usually seen with a book. Generally wears modest clothing, aside from particularly short skirts. Noticeably small chest but long legs. She is physically fit and in excellent shape.
Assignment:Child; student; girl scout.
Housing:773 Bunker Street
Likes:Books, school work, quiet, courage, trance fusion, ponpon dance.
Dislikes:Perverts, liars, cheaters, laziness, her father, fish, witches, clowns, misogyny.