May 05, 2008 12:45
There comes a time in ones life were things happen for a reason. A few weeks ago I posted about people coming into my life to help me grow and learn. But it is these same people have hurt me as well. Whether it be intentional or not. It still sucks to be put in a position that causes one to doubt why they have all the time and energy for you one moment and then the next they suddenly get to busy or something you say to them they take the wrong way, no matter what is said or done. It can't be fixed. Sometimes it is easier to just let it go in order to save the friendship and sometimes it is better (not easier) to end the friendship.
Friends come and go but true friends are there to stay no matter what life throws at you and them. I truely wholeheartedly believe that and it is with that mindset that I let some friends go to make room for the ones who not only want to be in my life but I want in there as well.
I wear my heart and emotions on my sleeve and it has caused some heartache, but I have come to realize that it is the only way to grow without being distant from everyone who loves and wants to be with me. So only time will tell what is to come next in my life. For those who have given me a new outlook on life I truly thank you and for the ones who decided that they can no longer be in my life I bid you farewell and hope your journey takes you were you need to be.
I will try to be more diligent in posting to my blog I've slacked off alot and I need to start writing more regularly. Maybe I will post a story next time. Stories always makes me feel better.