ANGELINA JOHNSON: 12 September 1989

Sep 30, 2005 13:25

Dear Jo,

Comment allez-vous ? Is Second Year proving impossibly hard? I'm sure its not for your amazing brains! I still can't believe that you are a year ahead of me in school even though we are the same age.

It was wonderful to see you over the holidays, even if it was only breifly. We have to convince our parents to meet up for longer. But it was tremendus fun wasn't it?! Fina couldn't stop talking about how her and Jacques found that wagon buried in the sand. It was great fun to creep outside at night and tell ghost stories down by the sea! But since I've come here and met the Gryffindor ghost Sir Nick they don't seem so scary (I was a little bit afraid to sleep with the light off for the next week after that - but I can tell you that because you won't laugh at me will you?).

Hogwarts is amazing. I know how much you love Beauxbatons, and would probably think Hogwarts is terrably drafty and stony. But I LOVE it. I have made some wonderful friends too. Twins, called Fred and George and I'm only just being able to tell them apart! They are mischeif makers but you can't help get swept up in their enthusiasum. My other friend Katie I think you would like very much, she reminds me of you a lot. My classes are fatastic, there is so much to LEARN!

We had our first flying lesson a couple of days ago. It was completely BRILL to be up on a broomstick again. I am simply DYING of jealousy that you have a junior quidditch team that you practice with! Gryffindor's Quidditch team is fatastic. I went and saw the trials. I think one of them is quite cute. His name is Oliver and he plays Keeper. But don't tell anyone I said so.

Dad said to say: "Tell Josephine that she must listen to The Beatles!". He is going to try and convert you too. Run! Hide! So now I have told you!

Well this is very rambly. I will write later when I have something important to say to you.

You MUST tell me how you and Alex are getting on? Did you snub him like you were going to or were you nice? Did he have a good reason for not writing for ALL of the holidays?

avec l'amour


angelina_johnson, *hbp, 1989

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