ANGELINA JOHNSON: April 01, 1994

Jan 06, 2006 13:32


I don't understand. 'Fina is sick? Like badly? How badly? It really scared me to hear that you and Mum had to take her to St. Mungo's. Something wrong with her blood? What does that mean Dad? Please, please don't let anything happen to let me know what is happening.

It was the twin's 16th Birthday today. I didn't even eat the chocolate cake. Even George noticed there was something wrong. Dad, please. If she gets worse then I'm leaving Hogwarts and coming to St. Mungo's. Despite what Mum might say. Despite my exams. I don't know what to do here, I feel useless.

Oh Dad, please just let me know what is happening. Promise me.



angelina_johnson, 1994

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