Dec 24, 2003 18:56

christmas sucks. too much happiness. too much usage. (ppl being used to gain maony for one's own well being) [over-marketing] {SHOP SHOP SHOP} there. some ppl are stupid. had to put teh definitions in there somehow. yeah. so i suffer from holiday depression. those are some of my factors. i'm not suffering because of teh usuall holday depression symptoms (anxiety, loss of time, choices on gifts, ppl) yeah. i suffer from being lonely. yes i have a family. they're not enough anymore. odd as it is. my family has grown distant from me. my friends. they get stuck with their families. i can't leave. whatever. the only good thing (or one of a few) is that i get heard in what i need. i usually ask for what i need. musical stuff usually. and clothes. always need clothes. yeah. caitie got me a little black notebook. and a pen. my new poem book as she's taking it. and that it shall be. the binders too big. even though it's a one inch binder but whatever. she got me these electronic drum stick things. they're cool. took me a while to figure 'em out but i got it now. completely motion sensored. yeah. i got james the 28 days later dvd. my mom got him cut up leather (pleather?) gloves. (cut up - like fingerless) yeah. he got me bass strings. i'd say that balances out. bass strings are like 20 bucks. and so was the dvd. yeah. got my mom white diamonds by elizabeth taylor. perfume. yeah. i know. i'm wierd. but whatever. hopefully one of teh family got me the guitar. and the pedal pack. and the grunge pedal. that'd be nice. to have those. now. before my birthday. i'm not gonna be home. i don't know how many times i've run through it. but yeah. i'm not gonna be home on my birthday. i'll be with james and andrew. yeah. i'll be home on sunday though. so yeah. no. i'm not having a party. anywhere. anyhow. yeah. i have homework to do. "do it on friday!" i have to go to james's right after school. oh yeah. it's his birthday on friday. sucks for us doesn't it. two weeks left. still no music. i'm thinking just drop out of numbed. no point if SOME PPL don't practice. yeah. i've got some stuff but james doesn't like it. so i'm saiving it for a little solo project. it won't be good. cause i can't sing. or i kinda can. but my range sucks. and i havea very low voice. yeah. ok. whatever. i got four hours before i get to go down and retrieve what gifts are left for me. umm.. that's all i have for now. i'll leave on this one note" much love goes out to my beauty of a goddess.
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