Title: Accusations.
the_disillusionFandom/Original: Original.
Rating: NC-17.
Characters/Pairings: Kazbiel/Suphlatus, Flauros (two fallen angels, a demon)
Warnings: Femslash, general creepiness, etc.
Word Count: 10,418 words.
Notes: Many thanks to
ravenspear for her beta-work. :3
This was written in a flash of inspiration as NaNoWriMo was coming up, and while it's not quite the story I envisioned, it is something I'm pleased with, and I hope you all enjoy it.
While I think it works as a standalone story, it does lead rather obviously into my
much longer story, Division. You're not obligated to read it, but it's there if you want to. :3
Finally, there isn't an artpost yet - I'll edit this when there is one.
Summary: It starts with a question: "Do you remember Heaven?" and goes from there. A pair of Fallen angels talk themselves into leaving Hell for Earth after one of them realizes that something much nastier than demons or angels is looking for her by destroying small portions of Hell in the process. Kinda. It's complicated, and does involve a fight against a sea monster who is also an angel.
Links to fic/art posts:
fic! |
same thing mirrored on my LJ.
Will edit in art post when I can!