Jan 29, 2007 17:48
On friday night I noticed a red swollen area on Cookie (My hamster). It's next to his testicular area. At first, I just thought it was his normal size area.. but then I noticed it still there on Saturday, Sunday and today. When I got home from work today, I looked and it seems bigger, redder and now looks like there is black in it. It almost looks like a huge blister full of blood. I called the vet today to make an appointment. I can't get him in until Thursday! :( Yes, Yes.. I am taking a hamster to the vet! Noone seems to understand how much he means to me. He is my first offical pet (living out of my parents house) and he is special. Plus, I believe he is a living creature who deserves to live, like us! *sigh*
Please God keep him going until Thursday... I don't know if I can take a death situation right now.
So besides that, I had a pretty good weekend by myself. Jay went to his parents house and I stayed home and had some "Steph time". It was muchly needed. Now for some more... haha :-p
Oh and about me, i'm feeling better. Yeah. that flu SUCKED BIG TIME! I started feeling better Friday afternoon. I had the whole weekend, alone, to recover. It was nice. Thank God it's over!
Now..back to my moping..... *sighs*