Apr 18, 2006 14:48
so yesterday my mum tells me shes come up with two extra tickets to the Franz Ferdinand and DEath Cab for Cutie concert that my sister and brother we're going to with friends. My sister had been planning for a while to go because she loves the bands and wanted to take our scotish exchange student with her. so originally my sister was going with her friends and that ticket belonged to one of her friends and her friend's dad. unforunately the girl's dad got sick so my mum said for me to take the ticket and be the responsible adult for the girls but the girl's dad doesnt know me and didnt feel comfortable seding his daughter so she couoldnt go either (she's the biggest fan too so it was sad). Anyways I'm to be playing babysitter for the evening which the girls really don't mind because im the "cool, older, university" sister. My brother was going to the concert as well with his girlfriend, girlfriend's sister and girlfriend's sister's friend.
So we're in the GO train and I'm like dude I'm the oldest person and we have a spare ticket I'm gonna call someone. I had tried earlier but neither Aimee or Christina could come. So on the train im scrolling through my cellphone phone book and there staring me in the face was cherry's name! i was like OF COURSE!!! CHERRY!!! so i call Cherry and I'm like....uhhh wanna go to a concert with me tonight? and she's like uhh SURE! haha so Cherry came with me! I told Cherry i was standing by a cotton candy stand outside the place and she calls me up when she gets there and shes like "im by the cotton candy stand where are you" and im like "so am I, i dont see you" the we both turn around at the same time and realize we were back to back lol. funniest thing.
Cherry and I go inside and grab food for the little ones who had gone inside with my brother before. so here is Cherry and I carrying things of fries covered in Ketchup and three large Cokes and my sister is calling my cell to tell us where she is. Finally we see her and he friends all jumping up and down in there seats on the OTHER side of the arena. So cherry and I start making our way towards my sister and her friends and then as we areFranz Ferdinand decides to come on so all the lights go off and we are soon squashed by people trying to get to their seats! finally we get to my sister and her friends, give them the food and sit. Then Cherry and I, not having very much knowledge at all on the bands playing. were like....uhhhh what band is this???? haha so we ask me sister's friend and find out that its Franz Ferdinand.
Anyways over all good concert and a fun time except for the stupid people smoking weed a few rows down, that kind ruined it for me cuz thats one thing i CANNOT stand! but yeah good time over all and our scotish girl was happy too because Franz Ferdinand is from Glasgow.
I guess i never mentioned she was staying with us. her name is Francesca and she from Edinburgh. St. Mildred's now does exchanges with St. George's I think it was just starting up when we were there. But yeah it happens in S2 so this girl is 13 just like my sister. haha its really like having two little sisters now. This girl is so adorable and so talkative, it'll be sad to see her go, she has three weeks left with us.
well thats all for me for now! must go study Law!