Aug 02, 2007 21:40
Hi all. This is just to let you know I am still alive. I haven't been on here for 6 weeks so I guess I am over due for an update.
I have been very tired and busy and tired lately. Geoff is still working at his business and I think it is slowly growing. He has stepped out of his shell a little this week and gone door to door to give his card to businesses. He has had one person respond for something and there is the potential for more. I really want it to step up even more because I am sick of working night shift.
I started my own business last week. Of course it is only started on paper and in theory because I haven't had any clients or recieved any money. I am doing a tutoring business for year 1 - 11 (kindergarten - Gd 10)in all subjects and yr 12 and 13 (gd 11 & 12) in History, English, Biology and P.E Theory. I am pretty clever and in theory I am qualified to do this so I am just hanging out for some clients.
In other news... I am 11 weeks pregnant. This wasn't planned and was actually a horrible thing to discover because I was completely unprepared. Having unstable finances at the moment makes it more scary. I am starting to get my head around it now. When my business takes off I will be able to earn money at home even with 3 kids so that will be good too.
The kids are good. Dani is running around and getting into as much trouble as possible. Cute trouble of course. She is now 14 months and going strong. She tries to climb anything she can get her hands on and she knows she is mischief - she has that glint in her eye.
Jonathan is a terrible two year old but soon he will be a terrific 3 year old. His birthday is on Monday. He is right into Thomas the Tank Engine and Bob the builder. He thinks he knows everything and that I don't know anything and apparently he is in charge (yeah right)!
Not sure what else to share really. I am tired (think I said that) so I might just relax until Geoff comes home from Music practice.
Be good you all!