Mon premier post ...

Jan 24, 2009 22:18

Hi everybody !

My first post on a LJ, a little bit long to understand but I have mastered the animal !

In some words, I'm Angélique, 18 and I'm french. I apologize for my future numerous errors in english because I'm rather pathetic in this language ... And my first addiction is House MD and more particulary, I'm a die-hard H/Cam so it's going to have lot of them here =)

I already have a website for my graphics but I decided to create a LJ to be able to go on communities unavailable to the simple visitors thus I would post here also my creations and the other things which will cross me by the head (don't know if this expression exists in english ...)

So my first post don't show my creations. But (yeah, there is a but) I would post maybe some tomorrow.

First version with street_of_mercy's layout :

So see you soon ;)

!blablapost, !version

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