Nov 21, 2010 18:52
I just came from tagging along with my cousin's family's photoshoot. DAMN! I am so inspired by Kuya Jonas and Ate Judy. They are such an awesome family. Kuya Jonas is the photographer and he just started last Feb. He is so good. And his equipment! When I told him I was interested in photography he really made it a point to let me in on his process. He let me take some pictures with his camera and he even let me hold his D3!!! The body alone is worth a car. The lenses. He had the trinity. Who knows how much those cost? Kinilig ako sa photography. Haha.
And Ate Judy. She's the most wonderful host. She made me feel welcome the moment I stepped out of the car. And she bakes! And she makes the most awesome cookies and cakes! And her husband is a doctor who has a Lord of the Rings memorabilia collection! And her daughter was wearing a Zara shirt. And her 4-year-old son looks like my Bio 102 crush. HAHAHA.
Their family is so super cool. I felt that I grew so much as a person in one day because of this experience. And to think I was thinking of just staying in today. It's a good thing my fortune cookie last night said it's time to make new friends. =)
I love it!