Weird survey quiz thingy

Sep 04, 2005 09:37

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1) Is destinyjello dead sexy? Well I don't know, I'd be a little disturbed if I thought of him that way
2) If momentofweak took over the world, who would suffer? Can't really think of anyone lol
3) Is padme single? I really don't know
4) Would you ever date destinyjello? No, that would almost be like incest and as I said, I don't think of him that way
5) Have you ever dated destinyjello? NO omg this is a conspiracy
6) Is blackwidow_84 friends with padme? yup
7) What is padme's favorite color? no idea
8) What is padme's favorite game? no idea
9) What song/movie would you recommend to momentofweak? Nemo by Nightwish
10) Has jeffsxtremebaby been to your house/dorm? Well, seeing as how she's my sister...
11) Would momentofweak and jeffsxtremebaby make a good couple? NO
12) What comic book character would jeffsxtremebaby be? Elektra
13) Does momentofweak have a dog? no
14) Could you see padme and blackwidow_84 together? No
15) Does momentofweak have a crush on jeffsxtremebaby? I'd be a little worried if that was the case
16) What is jeffsxtremebaby's shoe size? Surprisingly, i don't know
17) If jeffsxtremebaby took over the world, who would be happy? She would be
18) Is blackwidow_84 popular? no (ahaha)
19) If momentofweak and blackwidow_84 were spliced together, what would it be like? Someone who'd want darren hayes' and bif naked's babies
20) Does padme drink? i dunno (omg padme lol i don't know anything about you how sad)
21) Is padme related to padme? i would hope =)
22) Would you set up momentofweak and destinyjello? In a heartbeat /sarcasm
23) If momentofweak had a superpower, what would it be? Flyyyyyyyying
24) If destinyjello was a superhero, who would be his/her archnemesis? Brandi
25) What is padme's favorite movie? dunno haha
26) Is destinyjello related to you? no, well, soul-wise yes, remember jun li you're white on the inside lol
27) If momentofweak were hanging off a cliff, what would momentofweak do? be hanging off a cliff
28) Is momentofweak a nerd? we're all nerds
29) How would momentofweak kill momentofweak? suicide
30) What exotic animal would momentofweak like as a pet? chinchilla
31) Does jeffsxtremebaby do drugs? i'd fucking hope not
32) Where did you first meet momentofweak? i actually don't remember
33) Does momentofweak know momentofweak? that's some identity crisis if she doesn't haha
34) Which president would jeffsxtremebaby be likely to idolize? oh please, my sister idolize a president?
35) If padme and momentofweak were spliced together, what would be its name? disneyhayes
36) How tall is momentofweak? 9'10"
37) Which of your friends should padme go out with? i have no idea haha
38) What is blackwidow_84's favorite food? subway... and arbys.. and wendys... and mcdicks... and a&w, dear god laura
39) What would you do if you found out destinyjello has a crush on you? i'd be a little weirded out
40) What do you agree with padme about? that we know virtually nothing about eachother haha
41) Would destinyjello be a better ninja or pirate? hmm.... pirate
42) Where was padme born? usa?
43) What languages does momentofweak speak? english?
44) Would you wrestle destinyjello in jello? hilarious haha yes, and i'd win
45) How long would destinyjello dating momentofweak last? it wouldn't even happen
46) What is destinyjello allergic to? nothing as far as i know
47) Is destinyjello 1337? f34R t3h 1337!!!11!oneone!!eleventyone!!!
48) Are padme and destinyjello married? ahhhhhhhhhhhh
49) What do you disagree with jeffsxtremebaby about? probably everything but my sister's a brat anyway
50) What would jeffsxtremebaby think of destinyjello? thinks he's alright
51) What would you do if jeffsxtremebaby died? sink into a huge depression
52) When did you last call momentofweak? never have haha
53) What is jeffsxtremebaby's biggest flaw? stubbornness making her not listen when she really needs to, and she's difficult
54) What animal should jeffsxtremebaby be combined with? cat
55) What color should destinyjello dye their hair? pink chunks
56) Would jeffsxtremebaby and destinyjello look good together? that would creep me out in more ways than one
57) What rank would momentofweak have in a giant robot army? grand cog master
58) Are destinyjello and momentofweak going out? no no noo nooonuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
59) Do you have a crush on destinyjello? NOOOOOOOO
60) One quality you find attractive in destinyjello? Well, he's intelligent, lots of common sense which is uber important
61) What would blackwidow_84 give jeffsxtremebaby for his/her birthday? a pink dildo
62) Have you flirted with destinyjello? i should hope i never came off that way o_O
63) What planet should destinyjello be from? Neptune
64) What would destinyjello do differently in your shoes? i just think he wouldn't sit around doing nothing as much as i have
65) momentofweak's eye color? i think.. brown?
66) How would momentofweak conquer the world? ermm... no idea
67) Are padme and jeffsxtremebaby going steady? nuuuu
68) Does momentofweak go to your school? nope
69) Is destinyjello your best friend? one of them
70) Does momentofweak have a big secret? i dunno
71) Has blackwidow_84 dyed their hair? yes, just last week actually, i did it for her
72) Where would jeffsxtremebaby most like to visit? some place in europe
73) How many monkeys could blackwidow_84 fight at once and win against? 1 but she wouldn't win, she'd run away crying
74) Is padme in a relationship? dunno
75) Do you have jeffsxtremebaby's screenname? yes
76) One thing you can't stand about destinyjello? hmmm... wow nothing really comes to mind right now
77) Did destinyjello break up with you? like, omg yeah pshh
78) Would destinyjello go out with momentofweak? no
79) Does blackwidow_84 smoke? yes
80) Is destinyjello athletic? i wouldn't say athletic but he likes badminton
81) Is jeffsxtremebaby introverted or extroverted? depends on the situations really, as i think it would for any human but generally extroverted
82) What mental disorder does blackwidow_84 remind you of? hmmm i dunno
83) What video game does destinyjello remind you of? final fantasy 9
84) If jeffsxtremebaby and momentofweak were siamese twins, where would they be joined? at the hip
85) Would you make out with destinyjello? no x_x
86) Does destinyjello travel a lot? Went to europe, even though it was crap, i'm still jealous haha jun li you HAVE to go to england with me
87) How long have you known destinyjello? probably going on 11 years now
88) Thoughts on padme? i don't know her enough, (damn this really is sad now lol)
89) Is jeffsxtremebaby a high school student? yes
90) If destinyjello commanded an army, who would be his/her followers? me and laura
91) Do you think destinyjello is hot? i don't see him like that x_x ugh evil quiz thing stop it
92) What word best describes blackwidow_84? insane?
93) What is jeffsxtremebaby's favorite band/artist? too many
94) Is blackwidow_84 an emo? kinda
95) Where was destinyjello born? omg... i think china actually
96) What flavor of jello would padme be? hmm lemon
97) blackwidow_84's hair color? Every changing like a rainbow
98) Do jeffsxtremebaby and blackwidow_84 go to the same school? well, laura and i went to ashley's highschool wayyyyyyyyy back in the day *shakes cane*
99) Is padme a college student? i dunno
100) What animal does destinyjello remind you of? dolphin, intelligent, loves water, and the only other animal that has sex for pleasure
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