Detroit Mayor Ordered Jailed
Bryan Mitchell/Associated Press
Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick was escorted out of court by officers after a hearing on Thursday in Detroit, Mich.
Published: August 7, 2008
DETROIT - A judge ordered Mayor
Kwame M. Kilpatrick to the county jail on Thursday for violating the terms of his bond by traveling to Canada last month without court approval.
The pronouncement from Judge Ronald Giles of Federal District Court means that Mr. Kilpatrick, who is fighting perjury and other felony charges but has refused calls to resign, will likely spend at least one night in jail but would be released after posting $75,000 bail. The mayor’s lawyers were seeking an immediate appeal.
Mr. Kilpatrick apologized to Judge Giles for his July 23 trip to Windsor, Ontario, on the opposite shore of the Detroit River, saying he would not make another such mistake and noting that he had asked his young sons to watch the hearing. But the judge responded that he must treat the mayor as he would any other defendant.
“If it was not Kwame Kilpatrick sitting in that seat - if it was John Six Pack sitting in the seat - what would I do?” Judge Giles said.
About time that he wasn't given special privileges!! Now if only he would resign, life would be so much better for Detroit and the next mayor can try and undo some of the damage to Detroit's reputation.