Sep 09, 2005 05:58
A lot has happend to me since the last time I updated, I just haven't had time to update. I don't have much time now either but I will give a breif description:
- got caught with beer/ saved friends ass
- work has been ok, I'm on grill now woo I get paid more
- school has been ok not much going on
- might go to West Mesa the last month or two I am here
- went to Freedom Fest on Sunday Sep 4th. Loved the band
- saw this guys phone get smashed and land in water at cliffs (he was on the yoyo)
- me and my boyfriend have been going out almost 3 motnths!
- going to Starbucks this morning
- might get my van back soon!
That's about it, not very much excitment going down over here on my side of town. =( well I better go finish getting ready.
Hope everyone has/had a good day!
Love ♥