It was only a week ago that I got up and signed online because I couldn't sleep. Here I am, again. I wonder if I'm having anxiety issues about going to work on Mondays? I feel the exact same as I did last week. Tired, but wide awake. I even had a drink tonight and lately booze has been putting me right to sleep. I know that I'm feeling stressed at and about work. And, I happen to know that my boss is planning on letting our receptionist go - I'm assuming tomorrow. I am worried. Not only for Kim, but for me, too. Part of me knows that she hasn't been doing her job well for weeks. And she's been given chance after chance to get better. But, I still feel bad for her. Don is convinced that her boyfriend is going to freak out on her when he finds out. They just moved in together and he had been dragging his feet for months because he didn't think she would be able to come up with rent money every month. So, in that sense, I'm worried about her. But, I'm freaking out that I'm going to have to be the receptionist again. I DO NOT HAVE THE TIME to answer the phone all day and still get my work done. We'll see. I sort of wish I didn't know it was coming. I debated all weekend actually calling Kim and telling her, but I know I couldn't do that.
I also can't get comfortable. I am stiff and a little sore from getting adjusted yesterday and then being all hunched over my cake last night and this afternoon. I think that's part of my problem and I end up tossing and turning. I really, really think I can already tell a difference in my spine, but the stiffness the next day is killing me. I'll mention it to Dr. Joe tomorrow, thanks for your advice on my other post Christine.
Are you all packed and ready to move Ms. Simon? I thought I was all ready and ended up spending the last night before I left going "Oh God, I am not ready!" haha. Hopefully that won't happen to you! Where exactly in Ohio are you going to? I forgot... and you should share you new address with us!
To help ease my stress (I had to bust some heads at Michaels this afternoon because all of the paperwork was EXACTLY where it was supposed to be!) Don and I are planning a short trip to MI at the end of April. We'll be driving (still cheaper than 2 plane tickets, though it's starting to get close), and will leave here on Sat and get to MI on Sunday. We'll probably end up leaving MI on Friday just in case something happens and we need an extra day to get back here. So, we'll only be in MI for 4 solid days and I'll end up spending the night with him and his parents Thursday night so we can leave at the ass-crack of dawn on Friday. The trip is becoming so routine now, I think I could drive I-80 with my eyes shut. We're going to stop a couple of places on I-80 that I've always wanted to on the way since we aren't in a total rush to get there or back here. I wish we could stay longer but getting away from work and Denver for a couple of day is better than nothing.
I'm going to surf the web for awhile and then try to get some sleep.
Oh, here's a picture of the cake I worked on all weekend. I free handed the scrollwork, so they aren't totally good (also, my first time doing scrollwork) but on the final cake I will have a stamp set to make an impression in the icing that I can follow.