(no subject)

Mar 09, 2008 09:35

I just realized exactly how little I've followed my stress-relief plan that I had for this year. It's only March and it's fallen off hard. When I get really stressed, I eat horrible, too. I just want junk food. That doesn't help, I know. I have been trying to work out more- this week was my best week so far. Since I've been working at the store at night, I am not having much time to work out so I compromised and started to come home at lunch to work out. While I have to rush since I only have an hour, I manage to get in 20-25 minutes of cardio on the bike or elipitical machine, run upstairs for a shower and get back to work all in about 1 hr 10 minutes. Not too bad. I can tell the difference on those days, especially if I have to teach at night. I am not as tired, and my energy level is up. I also did yoga yesterday for the first time in ages. It really hurts my bad wrists to do it, but I motored through as best as I could. I'm feeling it today (and not just in my wrists!!!) but I guess that's good. I really miss doing yoga. It's the only kind of workout (other than playing sports) that I have ever liked doing.

Otherwise, work has been about the same. Money is still super tight, but despite that, my bosses are going on vacation to Peru for 10 days. It's totally pissed off some of my co-workers, and if any of our vendors that we owe money to found out, they'd probably be pissed too. I get that they have personal and business money and they are more than welcome to go on vacation with personal money, but I just think it's a really bad perception to the company. They kind of make a big deal about how they need to unwind and relieve stress and stuff, and I seriously just want to look at them and ask if they're going to pay for us all to take a similar vacation because in the long run, we are the ones that are dealing with the stressful situations and reporting back to them. I wanted to come to MI in May for Memorial Day to take a couple of days off, but I just can't afford it right now. I'm desperately trying to pay off my credit card but Don not working much means me kicking in more for rent. Which means less is going to the credit card. On top of that, I'm obviously trying to pay for a wedding and eventually a reception.

Have I mentioned that Don and I are very likely moving back to Michigan in December? I can't remember.

I went back to the chiro and found out that he was looking at the wrong x-ray when he saw my reverse curve. So, my curve in my neck is good, but I'm starting to get what he called "Forward head" (is that a technical term, Coo?) In addition, if you look at my x-rays from the front, which means you should have a straight spine from that angle, mine is curving. Dr. Joe set up a whole treatment plan for it (and Don) but we just cannot afford it. I crunched the numbers every way I could and Don even asked his parents for money for it (which they didn't agree to), and I just don't see how I can make it work. It's going to cost more than $250 a month and I just don't have that kind of extra cash. I really like the office and staff just from the 3 times I've been in, but the office manager was actually kind of rude when Don and I told her we couldn't do it because of money. She was like "Well, how important is your health? Can you put a price tag on it?" And I wanted to respond, "How important is eating? Can you put a price tag on it?" Because seriously, I have to be able to eat and put gas in my car to get to work to pay my bills. Geesh. I know it's important and I'm really wanting to go... but if I can't afford it, I can't afford it. The treatment plan has me coming in to get adjusted 3 days a week in the beginning, then 2 days, then 1 day as it trails off towards Dec. I am going to try and get in to his office and meet with him about the treatment plan, because I only got about 5 minutes to discuss it with him before. I want to know if going 1 time a week from now until December is worth it or not. Will it even make a difference? I want to get this fixed, but I can only do so much right now.

Now it's Sunday and I've lost an hour to DST and at least an hour to the internet this morning. I have to get up and make some icing for a display cake for the front window at the store. Michaels corporate recently cancelled all of their classes EXCEPT cake decorating, so there's going to be a huge push for the classes. We are even looking to possibly get another instructor for the store because they want to add day classes, which I obviously can't teach. In May, I might start teaching 3 nights a week, and demo at least one weekend a month. We'll see. I am trying to find the balance between making good money (The class I teach on Tuesday nights has 14 people signed up, which means I"m getting paid $60/class for them, which is AWESOME!) and getting burned out. Teaching these classes is fun and stress relief from my regular job, but they also require some prep and require me to work until almost 9 pm on days I've already put in a full day at my regular job. Don is extremely concerned I'm going to get burned out, but I need to find that balance. Getting paid almost $30/hour to teach something I love doing is hard to turn down. :) (Plus, I have a wedding to plan!!! Extra cash is always nice!)

Well, I'm off to work on the icing and head to a cake decorating specialty store. I need to invest in new (BIG!) cake pans for Justin's wedding cake and I've been told they have the best ones there. Hopefully they don't cost an arm and a leg. I will probably only be charging him around $300 for his cake so I don't want it to all be eaten up in the cake pans cost!

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