May 18, 2004 16:17
I'm finally done with Holiday, I get my last check on Thursday.
Camping was fun, it was really cold most of the time but that's okay. Breanna and I went for a long walk through the woods and stuff and it was really pretty.
I failed my road test on parking. Backing into a spot, actually. I guess I kind of suck. Oh well, I'll retake it soon and I'll definitely pass it.
Yesterday was my first day at Cold Stone. It was alright, I suppose, I didn't know how to do anything. I washed a lot of dishes, and practiced by ice cream scooping. It's hard, because they use spades instead of scoops, so you have to be able to ball up the ice cream in the right sizes and everything... I'm not very good at it. I didn't serve any customers, but I did make 9 dollars in tips, because they split them up between everyone who is working. I work again tomorrow, and on Friday, Saturday and Sunday. I'm going to miss Virginia's party :(
I can't wait until the weekend, I really want to hang out with Mike because I haven't in such a long time, and I need the sleep.