Jul 25, 2005 22:17
what a day, what a day! actually, twas really just my afternoon that was remarkable...
so i pulled into my parking space @target -- i swear, i had plenty of room! -- &grazed the side of the car next to me, causing some scratching near the wheel. *grumbles.* i left a note on her windshield; she called, &will call again after she's gotten a couple estimates as to how much it'll cost to fix, which i presume i'll pay. *sighs* more austria money flying away before my very eyes.
how young, how naive i was to think that ALL the money i would be earning this summer would actually go to austria... rather than to gas, or to vacation, or to someone else's car bill... *sighs*
anyway... on a happier note, because i wish to cheer up somewhat before bed lol... unfortunately, propriety dictates that i can't be nearly as blunt as i desire to be, in deference to my male readership, but i don't believe this to be /so/ scandalous that i can't get away with posting some of it lol...
so a good [female] friend of mine recently shared with me a tip that she learned at a professional bra shop, where she had recently been fitted by a good [female] friend of hers: most women wear a cup size too small and a band size to big. my friend [who shall, for her own sake, remain nameless] suggested that i try the same. well, *skipe a few thought processes*, i decided to give it a shot, and i swung by target after work -- where i learned that i am not one but TWO! cup sizes bigger than what i've been wearing! TWO!!!!!!!!!!! this is a major shock to me lol!!!!!!! [and the suggested one band size smaller than i've been wearing for like ever] haha i mean, it makes sense, as the rest of my body has grown proportionally over the past several years -- and oh, how wonderfully comfortable they were, the bras that fit! i just /felt/ so much better!, and didn't want to take them off at all! but, alas!, i had with me only six dollars, and target's computer systems didn't recognise my debit card, so i must wait until tomorrow... *sighs*
but! at least... they're only a day away!
ps -- finished harry potter. sad, but appropriate for the direction the book is heading (and needs to head). well-crafted. i approve. also, alan rickman was perfectly cast in those films.
that is all. for now.