let's be honest, I've never met a cliche I didn't like

Feb 16, 2011 23:26

Because there is no such thing as too much of a good thing, especially if you live in paradise:

The Hawaii Five-0 Cliche Meme

Fake boyfriends, accidental marriages, and amnesia, OH MY!

Whatever your poison, whatever you favorite cliche, it's open and allowed here. Want to see Steve and Danny make out for cover and discover their ~true feelings? ( Read more... )

hawaii five-oh no!, cliches are cliche for a reason, memes

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Okay, I am not fast enough to have something already, BUT HERE IS A SNIPPET FROM A FIC I'M WRITING: gyzym February 17 2011, 05:44:29 UTC
"Oh my god," says Danny on Monday morning, waiting around on their red-eye flight. "You're not actually wearing that, are you?"

Steve, who is dressed chino slacks and a Northface with the tags still on it, scowls at him. "Okay, okay, get it out of your system, go on."

"Do I have the wrong flight information?" Danny says, making a show of looking his ticket over. "Because, see, this ticket you gave me says we're going to New York, and that calendar over there says it's January, but you look like you're planning on parking it in San Francisco. Am I missing something?"

"This isn't actually my first time off this island," Steve says. "I have, in fact, been to places with cooler climates. I think I'm capable of judging how much outerwear I need."

"You get cold in movie theaters, sunshine."

"Awww," says a woman walking by, nudging her friend and pointing at them. "Aren't they adorable?"

Steve makes the "this is why we can't have nice things" face, which is a cross between a glare and that thing he does sometimes where the vein pops out of the side of his head. Danny just laughs, putting his hands in the air in surrender.

"Fine," he says. "You want to go like that, be my guest. My parka and I will be very happy together, don't come whining when you realize I was right."

"You're in a good mood this morning," Steve observes. "I hate that."

Lucky for Steve, Danny's good mood--borne out of coffee and the sight of Steve in something made of fleece--evaporates when they get on the plane. He'd kind of thought the sheer buoying joy of getting to go to New York would mitigate his…flying…thing, but he's in the habit of underestimating the depth of various psychoses lately. He tries to distract himself by figuring out when, exactly, Steve will realize that the tags are still on his jacket, but his heart isn't in it.

"You're twitching," Steve says, five minutes before takeoff.

"You're hallucinating," Danny returns, and then curses himself, because knee-jerk defensiveness will only pique Steve's interest further. "It's a muscle spasm."

Steve makes a doubtful noise but shuts up, and Danny knows better than to believe that's the end of it, but allows himself to hope anyway. He shouldn't; the plane starts taxiing down the runway a minute later, and his grip on the armrest goes white-knuckled before he can help himself.

"Oh my god, you're afraid of flying," Steve says, like he's solved some kind of hysterical puzzle. "You are, aren't you, that's why you got all quiet during boarding--"

"I am not afraid of flying," Danny spits, which is only mostly a lie. "I am disinclined towards it for perfectly legitimate reasons that have nothing at all to do with fear."

"But you've been up in the chopper with me," Steve says, frowning. "And you've never seemed--well, not more freaked out than usual, anyway."

"Well, that's it, isn't it," Danny says. "Doesn't matter where I am if you're driving."

Steve's face goes from shocked to thrilled to smug in a split second, which is how long it takes Danny to realize what, exactly, he's implied.

"No," he corrects hastily, "no, not because--because if you're driving I'm probably going to die regardless, not because of any--oh, god, stop making that face, I hate that face, I think I'm going to be sick."

"So Danno don't fly," Steve says, still looking like the cat who got the canary and the parakeet and possibly also the macaw, "and Danno don't surf. What, exactly, does Danno do?"

"Danno does land," Danny snaps, and turns to glare out the window.

He should really expect it, when Steve's hand settles in at the back of his neck. Steve does things like this--he's a crazy homicidal maniac, he's more or less the Swiss Army knife of efficient murder, there are days Danny thinks he's actively harming society by not having him committed…but. But he's sweet too, in odd ways and certain places, like how he presses kisses against Danny's shoulderblade before he gets up to shower and tears up at ASPCA commercials.

So Danny should expect it, but he's surprised anyway at the warm press of Steve's fingers, the way he rubs his thumb in circles up into Danny's hair. He stiffens and then relaxes, calmer despite himself.

Steve doesn't move away until well after takeoff.


zolac_no_miko February 17 2011, 05:59:54 UTC


Re: Okay, I am not fast enough to have something already, BUT HERE IS A SNIPPET FROM A FIC I'M WRITI angelgazing February 17 2011, 06:42:27 UTC
Oh my god I love them. Love, love, love them. And you, obviously. ♥


Re: Okay, I am not fast enough to have something already, BUT HERE IS A SNIPPET FROM A FIC I'M WRITI chaoticallyclev February 17 2011, 06:56:13 UTC
:D :D :D :D :D :D

also, I feel that Danny and I agree on way too many things...like land. land is good.


Re: Okay, I am not fast enough to have something already, BUT HERE IS A SNIPPET FROM A FIC I'M WRITI sirona_gs February 17 2011, 09:53:39 UTC
Oh, Danny! I love your Danny, possibly more than I love any other Danny I've ever read. I love the way he thinks, the way he feels; everything that comes out of his mouth makes me squirm with joy and pleasure. <3


Re: Okay, I am not fast enough to have something already, BUT HERE IS A SNIPPET FROM A FIC I'M WRITI echse February 17 2011, 11:29:05 UTC
can't wait to read the whole thing, love the boys and their peculiar way with one another, which is what makes the series itself so great in the first place. Will keep an eye out for the finished thing, thanks ^__^


Re: Okay, I am not fast enough to have something already, BUT HERE IS A SNIPPET FROM A FIC I'M WRITI thegrrrl2002 February 17 2011, 13:45:49 UTC
Aw, so sweet!There's nothing better than smug!Steve, except maybe a Steve who is taking good care of Danny. I love it!


Re: Okay, I am not fast enough to have something already, BUT HERE IS A SNIPPET FROM A FIC I'M WRITI leupagus February 17 2011, 18:37:05 UTC
Oh my God so cute.


Re: Okay, I am not fast enough to have something already, BUT HERE IS A SNIPPET FROM A FIC I'M WRITI templemarker February 17 2011, 18:50:54 UTC
Note-perfect banter is my kryptonite. This is great.


Re: Okay, I am not fast enough to have something already, BUT HERE IS A SNIPPET FROM A FIC I'M WRITI aredblush February 18 2011, 00:10:34 UTC


Re: Okay, I am not fast enough to have something already, BUT HERE IS A SNIPPET FROM A FIC I'M WRITI someidiothasice February 18 2011, 01:07:47 UTC





Re: Okay, I am not fast enough to have something already, BUT HERE IS A SNIPPET FROM A FIC I'M WRITI grimcognito February 18 2011, 07:58:57 UTC
I tear up at those commercials too! The music and those sad puppy faces!

This was great, there needs to be more of airplane-paranoid Danny :D


Re: Okay, I am not fast enough to have something already, BUT HERE IS A SNIPPET FROM A FIC I'M WRITI ebilchickens February 18 2011, 07:59:07 UTC
This is pretty awesome. <3


Re: Okay, I am not fast enough to have something already, BUT HERE IS A SNIPPET FROM A FIC I'M WRITI lavender_basil February 18 2011, 22:05:13 UTC
This is wonderful! And I am so excited to read the whole thing!


Re: Okay, I am not fast enough to have something already, BUT HERE IS A SNIPPET FROM A FIC I'M WRITI dessert_first February 20 2011, 19:14:33 UTC
Awww, so sweet!


Re: Okay, I am not fast enough to have something already, BUT HERE IS A SNIPPET FROM A FIC I'M WRITI fic_kitty February 25 2011, 23:54:49 UTC
GOD RIGHT. Steve has the ugliest pants in all of pant-dom. Your portrayals of Danny's frustration are DELICIOUS.


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