my fiction leads my real life and...

Dec 20, 2010 23:48

I defaulted on yuletide, because real life has decided to get all up in my grill and just keep me the busiest ever. For a temporary part time employee, they are kicking my ass. And scheduling me beyond what I was expecting. :\

This is especially disappointing tonight, when my bb bro is turning 21 at midnight and I cannot go to the party and get wasted with him and the other brother I get along with very well because I've got to be at work at 8 in the morning. As best I can figure, this will require that I leave my house around 6am. Sooo much booze. So many drinking games. Such a sober and sad Nichole, sitting at home. :( UNABLE TO SLEEP, WTF IT IS 11:36. *wails*

I've also come to the realization that I just Do Not Want to go back to school next semester. It's terrible. Just... I don't want to deal with Asshole Professor Dude again. I don't. I don't want to drive every day. I don't want to take a class on business and management principles just because my school can't separate business and information technology (which, hey, not interested in anyway.)

All I've been able to think about lately is how much I would love, love, love to have my own coffeeshop/bakery/sandwich place. There would be a wall of chalkboard with the daily specials, and comfy chairs if you wanna relax and a wall with shelves of take one/leave one books. But also tables and yummy soup and possibly even pasta like I grew up with. It would be delicious and awesome, and I would probably weight a billion pounds but fuck I would be happy and I would have ALL OF THE MUFFINS. And it would be glorious.

*sighs* This has left me with something of a moral dilemma. On a scale of 1 to John Gosselin, where would I fall if I started talking to a dude I know has got a pretty gigantic thing for me that I'm sort of... eh about outside of YAY AWESOME FRIEND again just because I think he has a connection that could help me find the perfect place for that?

Lalalala I am a terrible person lalalala.
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