remember when you were a mad man?

Sep 28, 2010 19:08

Warning: I may in fact spend the rest of the week titling posts with lines from the new MCR song. (Out today! Buy it now on iTunes! :D )

Since MCR has finally seen fit to grace us with new music, I would now like it if Panic! would do they same. That would make an awesome birthday present for me, I think. :DD That or a JGL. Or some Handsome Bob/One Two fic. Or the magical ability to read/write/understand French without having to go through what I suspect to be the long and difficult process of learning it. I'm not asking for a lot, here, really.

The real point of this post, so you know you can ignore all the rest of it without missing anything fun and/or exciting, drive by rec:

on ne voit bien qu'avec le cœur by rollsofrice
An Arthur/Eames version of The Little Prince. You guys, for real, this is just stunning. I don't even know what else to say about it.
'Yes,' said Eames. There was little use hiding these things on a planet the size of a small house, where things would catch up to you eventually, even if you constantly took several steps to the right.

inception is possible!, recs, tom hardy is fine by me, jgl redefines hotassery

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