Feb 26, 2010 18:50


Ok. I just deleted a very tl;dr post about how angry close-mindedness, social and gender hangups upset me. But since it was tl;dr, and consisted mostly with me saying "fuck" a lot, in a lot of various forms, I've decided to sum up for you the post I was going to make instead:

For the love of christ, let people be who they are. Let children be who they are. The only thing a person can be forced into being is the same caricature of normal that everyone else in the world tries to be. Blahblah cookie-cutter bullshit. Stories about soul-searching, about journeys, about ultimately finding who you are as a person; those stories are popular because people are searching for who they are and where/how they fit. When someone knows that answer, then I applaud them. Individuality should be embraced--more than that, it should be celebrated.

One day, I want to live in a world where who you are is who you are, and everyone accepts that or kindly shuts the actual fuck up.

How a fun song, to combat the rage: Butch Walker - She Likes Hair Bands. This entire album is amazing. <3

ranting, sharing is caring, and same to you universe

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