my heart won't stay entirely in this ribcage

Jul 12, 2009 02:19

Panic(!) drama and heartbreak lead to me tripping and skinning my knee on a new fandom.

JFC, why did I not listen to you all about Merlin sooner? Like I don't have a well documented weakness for gay wizards or something. So adorable! So OTPable!

The new clip and Brendon Urie's voice continue to leave me with hearts in my eyes though, so I don't think I'll be leaving that behind anytime soon. I can't really express my joy for either of those things outside of flapping hand gestures and itunes play counts.

I haven't had a chance to even glance at my f-list, really, between remix and homework, so I'm sorry if I've missed something important. You should totally tell me what it is though.

But, but, it is July 12th, which means remix is due before 11:59EST tonight. If you aren't going to be able to post your story by then--and as long as it's complete, even if you're waiting on your beta to get back to you, by all means post it now--please, please, for the love of god LET US KNOW. remixredux @ gmail . com The archive is supposed to go live next Sunday (which means you have until then to edit your post, once it's up and approved) but it won't happen until everyone who turned in a story has one of their own.

REMIX! I fear Vic's pokey stick and so should you!

remix, d00m, new fandoms are shiny, panic! at the motherfucking disco, merlin

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