Nov 07, 2005 02:00
Ah, drama, every where you turn now adays it seems to be. It's like that annoying kid in your lab that always wants to be your partner, but you know he's creepy and dumb, and you just want him to go away....or something. I have a biochem exam in 6 and ahalf hours..yickes. it's a tough one too. Some of the new members of Sigma got harassed tonight by other greek organization members. I'm NOT happy about that. Sue and I called some people and hopefully it will be take care of. It's one thing to mess with the sisters, it's another to go after the babies. My blind date was kind of a flop. The guy wasn't very attractive, and he had no personallity really. I paid for myself..he didn't even offer! If he had just offered I wouldn't have been pissed, and I still would have paid for myself, but UGH. So anyways, we went to dinner at this expensive little italian place, it was ok..nothing special, not worth the money...then we went to see chicken little. Which was actually very funny. I didn't expect it to be. Then afterwards we just went back to Joe's place and chilled (not the imfamous joe, Jenn's Joe). I had fun just chilling, we played some euchre, and then some taboo. Jenn and I was amusing though. What yeah, elections were today..I'll be prez next sememster!! WOOHOO. I'd just like to add something, that I'll probably have to change later...but I love how this year the sigma's decided not to sit back and just take all the shit that's usually dished out to us...instead we're actually standing up for ourselves, and making it known that we're a force to be recconed with, and it's being viewed as us being bitches. I just love that other organizations, not just sororities have done these sorts of things for as long as I've been a sister at least, and no one has thought the worse of them. It's just amusing to me...sure we're supposed to be the "nice" girls. But ya know? Even nice girls can only sit quietly for so long. So yeah, to all you lovely people out there, just know it's nothing personal, and in the long sckeem of things, none of this matters a damn bit...but If you think I'm a bitch feel free to think that, because if you really knew me you'd know I'm a great person, and I just don't like it when people attack my sisters. But I've had it sitting back, it's time to play by the rules...and stick to them strickly. If you've fucked up, Get ready to be called out.