Title: Forgotton Past
Genre: romance, angst, drama
Rating: PG13 and may go higher in further chapters
Disclaimer: If I own them, they probably be having free vacation and hankyung is still in Super Junior!
Pairings: hanchul [main] kangteuk, yewook, kyumin
Other characters: siwon, kibum, eunhyuk, donghae, shindong, zhoumi, henry.
Author’s note: Hey
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So, I’ll reply here-
I've had a look at the comm you posted into and you're doing it right. In the community, post the title / author / rating / summary / etc as you've already done, but post the full story into your journal, not the community, and link to it using the URL from the post on your journal. In the community, just put this in (selecting the HTML tab on your posting box first)-
(<)a href="http://ebonyfeather.livejournal.com/54036.html">TITLE()
Replace my URL with the one that leads to the post in your journal, and the TITLE with whatever you want to use. I use the title of the fic or 'chapter 2', some others just put something like 'click here'. Also, remove the brackets at the beginning and end- I had to put them in so lj would let me post the code.
If people read the whole story in your journal, 99% of them will leave their comments there too.
Hope this made sense. If not, feel free to let me know and I'll be glad to try and help again.
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