Jun 01, 2004 12:11
I can't believe how distrustful some people are on this site. It's gottn me nothing but angry and upset. Today's the anniverssary of my mom's death, and I wish people would be a bit more sympathetic.
OK, this is what has gotten me upset...
downpoison doesnt have me on their friends list nor do i have them on mine... and afts___3dd doesnt have the same interest as me or you... she's the complete opposite hence why she's cool... sorry to say it but you remind me of someone that i know that im trying to be careful around... nice try...
look, I'm only trying to make friedns here. that's what lj is about. and if people are going to be suspicios of me, what is the point!!!
I'll try and explain, but I doubt it'll do good. I doubt I'll ever have anyone like tony, or mark, or amanda, or elizabeth. Why did I ever thinnk I could make friends with strangers??