NaNoWriMo 2010 - Gifted Book One: The Gathering!

Nov 30, 2010 10:57

I actually did it! I can't believe it! For all those years that I've posted on my lj about doing NaNo, this is the year that I actually passed the 50k word mark....and am still going!

My novel is maybe 80% completed at this moment. This year I outlined for all of September and October and of my 30 pages of notes I'm only on page 9. In my novel these 9 pages from the outline translated to 83 pages of story in 12 point font. I really was surprised at how something so small from my outline, such as: Character A overhears Character B and C arguing and goes to tell Character D, could turn into three full pages of writing or more. I don't know what my 83 pages would look like in your average-sized YA novel in book-form, but I'm pretty darn impressed with myself so far. ^__^

Now that the crazy days of November have passed (well, after tonight) I can slow down (slightly) and not force myself to be writing until minutes before midnight on a daily basis, simply because I want to get my word count updated on the NaNo website before the clock changes over. Lol. Some days it was like getting blood from a stone to get my words done for the day (you are supposed to write at least 1667 words daily in order to cross 50,000 by November 30th) and other days I could get my words done in an hour or less, they flowed so easily.

NaNo was a wild ride and I made some amazing friends across the globe and in my own city while doing it. I'm so impressed with myself for accomplishing this. So who knows, maybe one day you'll see my novel sitting on a shelf in your local bookstore? ^__^ For now though, you can contend yourself with my fan-made cover (from an extremely talented artisan on the NaNo forums, sorry the image is showing so small though!) and my winner's banner (access granted only to those who have passed the 50k mark and validated on the website).

Below you can see that Neil Gaiman sums up my November neatly:

"When writing a novel, that's pretty much entirely what life turns into: 'House burned down. Car stolen. Cat exploded. Did 1500 easy words, so all in all it was a pretty good day.'"
-- Neil Gaiman

novel, gifted, nanowrimo

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