Sep 30, 2008 23:49
Ok so having watched Jamie's new tv show I have to say I'm in complete agreement.
I'm also a little dismayed at a mother crying cos she can't afford to get on the bus to go shopping. My Mum used to walk to Seacroft shopping center with 4 kids (at least 1/2 hr there) and back. Also my Mum sometimes went without so we had good food on the table. Yet this mother smokes and her children live off take-ways. If you can't afford the bus fare then how do you afford to a) smoke and b)buy take-ways??
Anyways on to the main point. Most of my friends know I can cook and to be honest many of my friends are also excellent cooks. But this offer goes out to those who don't cook or feel they are crap cooks. I will teach anyone who wishes (and willing to travel to me or put me up+buy the food) at least 2 meals (ideally cheap and easy ones). Hell if yar want I'll teach you 10 meals ranging from cheap, easy, look & taste ace but dead easy, 'posh' meals whatever.. So if you want to join in then speak up and let the free cookery lessons commence.
I'd also be willing to do some basic cookery lessons for free locally if I could secure a)some funding b)a place to hold the lessons.
"ministry of food"