Happy B-Day to me!

Oct 31, 2012 00:41

hey peoples, I know... I know, it's been forever. That part of the point. I wanted somewhere I could blast without my family reading in full force... (thank you facebook) plus I figured the people I care about would read it here anyway... or perhaps no one at all. I'll give a full recap laters but here's the skinny ( mostly cause I don't remember how to hide)

I was dating somebody but now I'm not... and this is good.
I've lost about 75 pounds but still have a bit to go
i quit smoking but started back up, but have quit again recently. (as in 7 days ago)
I'm in the nursing program at HCC
I'm writing my novel (FINALLY)
I think I may be diabetic now... ugg even with the walking and weight loss which is fucking frustrating
most important I'm happy these days... I hope you guys are too,
more about life and stuff when i research how to cut. *grin*

Wet, warm kisses, to the cool, dry places
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