opening my eyes...

Dec 06, 2005 18:07

So last night I got a real eye opener. I was subjected to basically a kick in the ass telling me that I'm not working hard enough.

My entire life all I have ever wanted was to become a pediatrician. That's all I want for my future (besides my wonderful husband, beautiful kids and large house in the country). I want it more than anything in this world. I've been slacking though.

All through school up until college I whizzed through classes without having to open up a book to study. It all came easily to me. If I've never studied, that means I don't know how to just all of a sudden do it. I need to teach myself to study. Obviously not an easy thing to do after 13 years of not having to do it.

Psychology, Math and German are not the problem. My problem is with Biology...the one class this year that is a main class that I have to take to get my goal accomplished. I need to open my book and I need to sit and study 2 hours for every 1 hour im in this class. Maybe that would have helped. I let myself go too early and now im in big trouble.

Good news or bad? My professor is generous enough to give any student their final grade if it means passing the class with a higher grade than they've accumulated (ie. I fail every test, get an A on the final --> I receive an A + my lab grade figured in which lets me walk out with a B or so). This could be good, this could be bad. A lot of pressure. I've been studying for 3 hours a night for the past week for this final a week from tomorrow. Good news is that its comprehensive and not exact steps of processes such as the 3rd step of the krebs cycle and what not. all i have to know is what it does and what it produces (how much CO2 or NADPH or what have you).

Here is my plan of action for next semester:
1)Study at least 1 hour for every hour of class im in...15 credit hours per week = 15 hours of studying outside of class
2)Take excellent notes
3)read ahead in the chapter and take notes
4)not leave my room until the studying is complete. If i do leave it will be to go to the gym or to work...occasionally with friends but if and only if i am passing all my classes with a grade to my satisfaction and i have give in my 110%.

I am not going to end up like this at the end of next semester. no more anxiety more stress (well minimal stress) and i will be happy!
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