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Feb 17, 2006 07:59

alright so the weather sucks and we shouldnt have school, put since my school hates us we do. it lame. anywho so tim brought me to school again. i love him so much. i got up like 10 minutes before i had to leave. thank god it was tim getting me bc he was patient and actually laughed at how tired i was. last night was supposed to be his last night working third shift. hopefully his dumb bos wont put him on another second shift job. anywho so i had a HUGE fight with my dad yesterday. alright everyone at my work has been getting the flu, well i wasnt feeling real well so i made a docters appointment and i wen thome i told my dad and he's like your not sick im not taking you to the docters. i was like what the hell. anyhwo so then hes like your not sick you should go to school so i was like fine take me. then hes like your so sick go upstairs and lay down. and he kept saying that back and forth. so was like so am i sick or am i supposed to be in school?! and he's like shut up!!! oh man i was livid i was so pissed. so i didnt go and i called bri about maybe moving in with her bc i really cant stand being around my dad right now. anywho i told the girls at work about it and they were shocked (they obviously dont know my dad) anywho then last night i kept getting cold/ hot flashes. and my cheeks were hot and they were rosy red. i was like yup im not sick right dad. hes such a dumb jackass. then yesterday before work i went to the bank because i had to stop my costodial savings account with my mom and now i have my own savings account and checking acount. oh gosh me with a debit card and check book. the damage i will do. OH NO!!!!! anywho but yea it's friday. last day if work. monday i dont have school. idk why but i dont. anyhwo so im starving right now. so im out amber update your journal i love you. and miss ya. anywho im out bye!!!
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