SIYE - what a lot of bullshit!

Jul 29, 2005 20:49

Okay, reading around my FList at the reaction to SIYE's clean of the closet. I'm a few days late (shame on me) as I have not visited the site in a good few... err months. I know some of you who stumble here read the fic Sister that I no longer want to continue as the idea is... pretty dead and I'm just plain rusty.

So the people at SIYE are being all child friendly.

I can only share my experiances to express views here. I started viewing the net properly last summer when I wrote fanfiction none stop and became the mega geek I am, before that I had been reading fanfiction for a long time. Yep, Harry Potter inspired me to write and I dont know where I would be today if writing at home hadn't boosted the potential I had in English at school. Hence I've experianced internet drama (yey LJ drama) and loss of friends over the internet that has helped me in life.

I'm not boasting but yeah, MANY people do not believe I am actually fifteen. I'm extremely mature for me age. This is down to... yep that fanfiction. I can put my hand in the air that reading smut kinda experianced me and made me accept life. Its sounds really hillarious doesn't it? But through going through reading the ole' DGZ *hangs head in shame and laughs* lemons I could tell the difference between what was right and what wasn't. I dont giggle at silly smut anymore 'cos I've seen it all before and it doesn't interest me.

I like my "lemons" (old term that) tastefully written. Now my "reading age" is slowly easing into older and adult books. So the rest of the class are only just getting the bit where you dont laugh out loud at the bit in the chapter where it makes huge hints that the main characters fucked eachother until dawn. Sure smut made me the kinky bugger I am, but that's all good at the end of the day.

Come on, SIYE WHY do you have to clean your fics out? Author's should mature and grow with their writing not try and be clean for the little ones. Look at what is on television!! A few years ago I could watch filthy porn on channel five and get away with it!! (*cough* you didn't read that... LOL its something I've found everyone at school used to do on a friday night :D). All my dirty secrets are coming out now... oops.

I am not going to keep clean for the kids. I'll write how I want and for who I want.

If that means continuing writing filthy Darius and Karl slash... oh those were the days!! :D
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