Dec 26, 2004 21:56
W...t...f. I didn't know germs could travel two hours and fourty minutes!! I'm sick!! Bryan's sick. This sux. He's coming on Tuesday and staying until Thursday and he wants me to go back with him for New Years. We'll see :o) So Bryan is the type of guy where nothing gets to him (it's kind of annoying sometimes) but last night he called me back and was like, "I hope you don't think I have a dry emotional well." Mychelle was over, and it's a joke between the two of us and Bryan took it too seriously. He said although he has trouble expressing his feelings for me, he does have strong ones. Cute :o) Mych and I had to laugh, though hehe.
I hope everyone's Christmas was a great one! I got my digital camera yay!! My bro got me a nice green scarf (although I found out I spent $60 on him FUCK), four penguin socks, three cat socks, a gold bracelet with diamonds and alexandrite (??), a penguin ornament, a frame, and I think that's it. I was kind of surprised I didnt get money or a stocking :o( That was sad we didn't do stockings this year. Idk I miss Christmas in the old house...I love my camera, though! Mychelle spoiled me with Love Spell and cute underwear sets I can't wait to wear ;o)
I have nasal drip eww. I have SO MUCH SHIT to do tomorrow! I have to make two doctor appointments (my period seriously is so fucked up, I skipped October, got it twice in Novemeber and skipped December), get my hair cut, go to the bank, and pick up my contacts since I've been blind since....damn since the formal which was in mid-November.
I went tanning to day finally!!! $4 per session or $40 a month! What blows is I am rediculously pale and I feel gross. I wasn't going to go tanning over the winter but I can't take it. I feel so unhealthy. So I shouldn't have gone the full 15 mins. I'm a nice pink haha. Whoops. So I'll start out with like 7 mins and work my way up like I did last year. I started exercising today. I did 50 push-ups and 225 crunches. I'm going to move the tredmill in my room tomorrow and do that. I feel so gross. They feed us shit at school and I gained a little weight. I just want to be healthy and toned. And it doesn't help having a boy who goes to the gym and is built. I don't want him with some lump, although he says I'm perfect...liar.
Last night Mychelle and I attmepted to watch Shrek 2 but we both fell asleep. Tonight? Blowing my nose and probably doing that at Chelle's!