Some reason..thing in the back of my head made it clear that Eve was telling the truth. That there really was nothing that was keeping me here. She left
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I woke up screaming. Lilah was there, no longer dressed as a nurse, shaking me roughly. I was back, back in the apartment, back on the guest-room bed. My head spun, and I closed my eyes tightly for a moment, struggling to get my bearings. I was wet, apparently doused in water. An odd, dull sort of ache was throbbing in my elbow and spreading up my arm...I was bleeding.
"Shut up. Shut up, please" I said quietly to Lilah, clutching both sides of my head. "Please be quiet for a second"
Nothing made sense. I was now completely and utterly lost.
"You were in a nurse's uniform..." I finally said quietly to her, realizing now that it had all been a dream after all. "You were dressed as a nurse and you were going to give me a vasectomy. You gave me an injection of something that made me numb and then my arm was cut...and then I was here and wet. And you were yelling"
Nothing was working. My head was still spinning wildly, and I couldn't get a handle on anything. My arm hurt badly, and there was a blossom of blood spreading across the sleeve of my dark blue silk shirt.
"What is happening? What the hell is happening?!" My voice rose to a hysterical pitch as I looked frantically up at Lilah. "Why couldn't they just have left us be? We were dead! Why did they have to bring us back?!"
And the insane is back. I thought after a little rest this kid would..wake up rather.
He woke up alright. Woke both of us up screaming. My eyes widened in a bit of awe, and also in anger. He almost brought attention to the cameras that were probably showing the unconsciousness eve on the ground. Great just great. Insanity strikes again. Then he mentioned something that was completely ridiculous. I almost burst out laughing if there hadn't been the whole he looked really scared, and Eve was going to wake up any minute factor.
"You were in a nurse's uniform..."You were dressed as a nurse and you were going to give me a vasectomy. You gave me an injection of something that made me numb and then my arm was cut...and then I was here and wet. And you were yelling"
"What is happening? What the hell is happening?!"Why couldn't they just have left us be? We were dead! Why did they have to bring us back?!"
"Next time, don't tell me about your inner fantasies, Lindsey...And for the love..hate of this place. Calm down! Look!"
I pointed over to the double doors and Eve laying on the ground.
"Can we go now?" I smiled. My inner soul cracked up. I was flattered by his dream, yet very disgusted at the same time. I stood up and nudged Eve with the top of my toe.
"Next time, don't tell me about your inner fantasies, Lindsey...And for the love..hate of this place. Calm down! Look!"
I glanced over to where she was pointing, my world still blurred around the edges. Eve, lying on the ground, apparently out cold.
My mind snapped completely, seeing my Eve so helpless and prone there. "Oh God, is she okay?" I could hardly remember Eve, had no recollections of our past relationship. But something told me I'd loved her once, cared for her more deeply than anyone else at least. I couldn't remember her, but I knew her.
"Can we go now?" Lilah gave Eve a sharp kick with the toe of her shoe, and I jumped off the bed and rushed over, lifting her lifeless form into my arms, cradling her against my chest as I knelt there on the floor.
"Don't touch her! What did you do to her?! She didn't do anything to you!"
I was horrified. I knew now that Lilah and I hadn't exactly been the best of friends, but what had Eve ever done to her? Of course, I held off making any judgements on Lilah just yet because for all I know Eve could have very well done something terrible to her. Despite the apparent love I held for the woman, the way she'd treated me in her office led me to believe that my woman was not a particularly nice person.
I took another glance at Lilah and then the door, more confused than I'd ever been.
What should I do?
" couldn't have been her...who was keeping us here?" I whispered, my voice coming out hoarse and disbelieving. It was beyond me that my Eve could ever do anything like that to me, but now I was having doubts.
"Don't touch her! What did you do to her?! She didn't do anything to you!"
I couldn't help it. I burst out laughing. Him running to her, and cradling her, like a baby. My hand raised over to my forehead, and I shook my head. Over and Over again. I then walked over to my cupboard, and THANK GOD had some liquor in it. I downed a couple shots. This man was entertaining.. and that was enough to keep him around. I leaned over the sink, and then laughed one more time before taking another shot of my whiskey.
"Calm down. I just hit her. She'll be fine. A bruise here or there, she should be thankful she decided to take the knives out of this place. I would have pulled a Cordelia."
I laughed at my pun. I wouldn't have killed her. I don't kill. I have people do it for me. I sat down my whiskey, and the glass. Who needs a glass anyway. I walked over there again and stood over them..again.
" couldn't have been her...who was keeping us here?"
And once again, I laughed. Before I walked out the door, I grabbed the bottle..screw the glass.
"No Lindsey, not at all. That's why she sent you here in the first place. To be on the other end of the rope."
I talked in my childish voice... And then took more whiskey. I was gonna walk out here drunk. Nice Label. Then I took my first step out the doors. Wonderful.
I glared at Lilah when she started to laugh at me, still clutching Eve to my chest. There shouldn't have been anything funny at all about the situation, and yet after a moment or two I felt an insane bout of giggles rising in my throat. Insane. This was all so completely insane. Hell, maybe I was, too.
"Calm down. I just hit her. She'll be fine. A bruise here or there, she should be thankful she decided to take the knives out of this place. I would have pulled a Cordelia."
"This is insane. We should be dead" I choked out, finally lowering Eve back to the floor, albeit gently, still unable to repress my crazy, frantic giggling. "This is completely and utterly insane and who even cares anymore? We're dead, Lilah! Who bloody cares?"
I nearly doubled over in my wild laughter, clutching my stomach and wiping the tears from my eyes.
"Oh. Oh, God. We're dead. Who cares?"
"No Lindsey, not at all. That's why she sent you here in the first place. To be on the other end of the rope."
This was quite possibly the funniest thing I'd ever heard, and another rush of giggling caught me again. My stomach hurt and tears were dripping down my cheeks.
"Other end...of the rope. That's great. This is all so great" I managed to say, before walking over to the liquor cabinent she was standing at.
"You know what? Give me that" I said simply, pouring her another shot and lifting the entire bottle to my lips, downing at least a third of it one swallow. It burned like a holy bitch going down, but I felt it, and that was all that mattered. I didn't even choke or sputter.
By God, he lightened up. Or maybe it was me inebriated. Either way. It felt...hillarious. I love how luck passes us by. Eve goes temporarily schitzo..and opens the door. I punch her, and here we are, drinking whiskey in a box. I was completely in awe. Or maybe not. After all I was drunk.
He took my whiskey...then DOWNED it. My God, I'm competitive, so I laughed.
"You know what? Keep it." There was a slur kinda in my voice, but whatever. We had a free ticket out of here, might as well drink their booze. After all, where were we to go?
"Why didn't I think of this earlier?" I said this as I grabbed another bottle from the cabinet. This was Vodka. My other rival.
I then attempted to down it like Lindsey did, but amidst all of it, I thought about what he had just said..and he was right. And it was funny. Seeing Eves' face, me being alive. Me being stuck in here, with him. Him being alive. I spit it out, bursting laughing. I felt my sides..splitting with every breath. One thing I loved about old Lilah, was..I liked alcohol. Pertinent in this situation.
Laughing, I spit out these words. "Hey ..Lindsey, I still have a head attached. We must be alive. My God, you should have seen your girlfriends face when she saw the doors opened. Priceless. Drink to that."
I tried to drink but my laughing impeded me against the drain, Lindsey.
"Hey ..Lindsey, I still have a head attached. We must be alive. My God, you should have seen your girlfriends face when she saw the doors opened. Priceless. Drink to that."
I burst out laughing, pausing in my downing of the alcohol to double over once more. Something inside me told me I should have been been horrified because of Eve, but something else just didn't care.
"Here, here!" I choked out through my laughter in response to her, tipping my whiskey bottle against her vodka and listening with delight to the clink that resulted. It was a sweet sound. A wonderful, hilariously sweet sound.
I got down nearly the rest of the whiskey in the next two swallows, wincing slightly at the burn but feeling much more alive than I had before. Who cared that I was dead and having dreams that could apparently harm me in real life? Who cared that a women I seemed to have loved in my past was apparently screwing with my head now? who cared that presently my former biggest rival and most hated enemy was the best and only friend I had? Who cared?
"You're right. We should get out of here. But first..."
Taking the rest of what was left of the bottle of whiskey, I carried it over to the elaborately made, ridiculously expensive-looking couch, and poured the liquor all over it. "They'll never manage to dry-clean this out", then I burst into giggles again.
"Let's go raise some hell, old friend" half-drunk and fairly insane at the moment, I offered Lilah my arm. "It seems we have a mission to attend to", and then I giggled again.
Oh my. I felt better. And still laughing. I don't think I ever laughed as much when I was alive the first time. And that made me laugh even more. The second time, it isn't morally, and insanley possible, but it was real. Hillarious.
"You're right. We should get out of here. But first..."
He did it. Poured whiskey all over the couch. And Again, I laughed..My sides splitting. Again. I knew they wouldn't give me matches, so I poured some vodka around the kitchen chairs, everything...then at the camera. I know for a fact that they tape everything. So why not put it in fire. I flipped off the camera once again then threw my bottle at it...It shorted, seeing sparks made me laugh, and when a flame grew, I pointed and stood there in jubilee, like nothing was wrong. Trufully, it wasn't. Everything was fine, because I wasn't supposed to be here..and that makes every problem in this world not mine. And I loved it.. Lindsey opened my eyes. I grabbed 3 more bottles of whatever I had in my cupboard. Popped the top, and stepped over Eve like she was a rug. She'd wake up before the fire got to her, and the security would get there too. I'll bet they were already half way there.
"Mm. Jack Daniels. The hard stuff." I let go of Lindsey's arm and started dancing. Mad. The I calmed down when there were people rushing, not paying attention to us at all.
Most genious plan we had yet.. Cause ruckus, for Wolfram and Hart to clean up. It was bad, good.
I watched, wide-eyed, as Lilah proceeded to set the camera sparking, which in turn set everything we'd doused in liquor on fire. This struck me as utterly genius.
So of course, I started clapping. "Brilliant! Inspired. Really"
I watched as she started dancing, in awe. It was perfect. She understood exactly. Then again, of course she did. Like each other or not, we were the only ones who could understand what the other was going through at the moment.
"Where do you suppose we go first, Frankenstein?"
"I have absolutely no idea. Outside sounds good, for starters. I suppose we'll need a car" I glance down at the blood on my arm. "And some new clothes. And a place to stay. I wonder how much money is left in our bank accounts? What say we go shopping, Lilah dear?"
Everything was suddenly crystal-clear to me. No one but Wolfram and Hart knew we were alive. Laws, rules, inhibitions...they were all moot points now. We were above it all. I felt so free, as corny as it sounded. I felt, for the first time since I'd come back, that I was really here. And it was all because of Lilah. No matter how much I'd hated her in the past, I owed her now.
"I have absolutely no idea. Outside sounds good, for starters. I suppose we'll need a car" I glance down at the blood on my arm. "And some new clothes. And a place to stay. I wonder how much money is left in our bank accounts? What say we go shopping, Lilah dear?"
He was right. I didn't quite feel like I wanted to walk outside with the clothes that I have been wearing..for I don't know how long...Stupid time factor..that didn't matter. I took another chug of Mr. Daniels. Oh how I adore thee.
"You know Lindsey.."
I was so slurred.. and hearing myself talk like this made me almost burst out again.
"I remember all the bank account information for here. Unless they changed it..because God forbid..I came back from the dead and tried to steal it..(this made me stop, and breathe. to calm myself down from laughter.) it should be the same.. and it's on this floor."
Holy hell. I liked being dead. I liked it a lot. And being here with insane frankenstein next to me made it all the better. We walked ..well stumbled past a camera.
"Hey. Lindsey..say your eulogy. Wait. That was already spoken..How bout we just wave at Eve. Ha Ha. Imagine her surprise tomorrow, when we're Living like we were to die tomorrow.."
I took another drink and handed a bottle to Lindsey.
"I remember all the bank account information for here. Unless they changed it..because God forbid..I came back from the dead and tried to steal should be the same.. and it's on this floor."
"Oh re-ally now?" I said, slurring slightly myself, grinning wildly at her. "Well then, what say you and I pay said account a little visit, hmmm?"
"Hey. Lindsey..say your eulogy. Wait. That was already spoken..How bout we just wave at Eve. Ha Ha. Imagine her surprise tomorrow, when we're Living like we were to die tomorrow.."
I burst out laughing once more, turning to face the camera, struggling to keep a solemn expression on my face.
"We are gathered here today in memory of one Lindsey James Mcdonald. He was a young man, and died before his time to be sure. For you see, young Lindsey made the unfortunate decision in life to ally himself with a heartless group of bastards who apparently decided to leave him for dead at the hands of a green demon with...with a really stupid name! But it's all right now, ladies and gentlemen, because that Lindsey is dead. And soon they'll all be, too"
I took a hearty swig from the bottle and followed Lilah down the hallway after flipping the camera off.
"Living like we were to die tomorrow. I like that" I said to her finally. "Who knows? we just might get lucky and do just that"
"We are gathered here today in memory of one Lindsey James Mcdonald. He was a young man, and died before his time to be sure. For you see, young Lindsey made the unfortunate decision in life to ally himself with a heartless group of bastards who apparently decided to leave him for dead at the hands of a green demon with...with a really stupid name! But it's all right now, ladies and gentlemen, because that Lindsey is dead. And soon they'll all be, too"
That was awesome. Finally he hates Wolfram and Hart.. Like I did. Do still. I'd work there, to make them hate me more.. That's it.
"Who knows? we just might get lucky and do just that"
"I'm not leaving this world just yet, Lindsey, M'dear. I won't leave, till all my complementary alcohol is absorbed, I get all the money we need for shopping, and find a way to get rid of that contract that I signed."
Lucky. I wasn't sure if it was luck that brought us here, or bad luck. Either way, I was having fun. Who knew that this would happen? Lindsey turned out to be an alright..Hillarous dead amnesiac. If it was bad luck that got us then far, then by God..keep it rolling.
We reached the safe..well one of them. I had the right code. And my name, and features were still programmed in the security systems. Piece of Cake. I grabbed 2 Million.
"Half and Half my friend."
To make things better, there was a nice blaze in the safe room...that my alcohol fueled. I love me. I started skipping, and drinking along the way. I was rich..where money didn't matter to me, but it did to LA. So here we were, drinking like mad, and skipping, in the building of evil..skipping to get out.
I screamed.
I woke up screaming. Lilah was there, no longer dressed as a nurse, shaking me roughly. I was back, back in the apartment, back on the guest-room bed. My head spun, and I closed my eyes tightly for a moment, struggling to get my bearings. I was wet, apparently doused in water. An odd, dull sort of ache was throbbing in my elbow and spreading up my arm...I was bleeding.
"Shut up. Shut up, please" I said quietly to Lilah, clutching both sides of my head. "Please be quiet for a second"
Nothing made sense. I was now completely and utterly lost.
"You were in a nurse's uniform..." I finally said quietly to her, realizing now that it had all been a dream after all. "You were dressed as a nurse and you were going to give me a vasectomy. You gave me an injection of something that made me numb and then my arm was cut...and then I was here and wet. And you were yelling"
Nothing was working. My head was still spinning wildly, and I couldn't get a handle on anything. My arm hurt badly, and there was a blossom of blood spreading across the sleeve of my dark blue silk shirt.
"What is happening? What the hell is happening?!" My voice rose to a hysterical pitch as I looked frantically up at Lilah. "Why couldn't they just have left us be? We were dead! Why did they have to bring us back?!"
He woke up alright. Woke both of us up screaming. My eyes widened in a bit of awe, and also in anger. He almost brought attention to the cameras that were probably showing the unconsciousness eve on the ground. Great just great. Insanity strikes again. Then he mentioned something that was completely ridiculous. I almost burst out laughing if there hadn't been the whole he looked really scared, and Eve was going to wake up any minute factor.
"You were in a nurse's uniform..."You were dressed as a nurse and you were going to give me a vasectomy. You gave me an injection of something that made me numb and then my arm was cut...and then I was here and wet. And you were yelling"
"What is happening? What the hell is happening?!"Why couldn't they just have left us be? We were dead! Why did they have to bring us back?!"
"Next time, don't tell me about your inner fantasies, Lindsey...And for the love..hate of this place. Calm down! Look!"
I pointed over to the double doors and Eve laying on the ground.
"Can we go now?" I smiled. My inner soul cracked up. I was flattered by his dream, yet very disgusted at the same time. I stood up and nudged Eve with the top of my toe.
"Serves her right. Let's get out of here."
I glanced over to where she was pointing, my world still blurred around the edges. Eve, lying on the ground, apparently out cold.
My mind snapped completely, seeing my Eve so helpless and prone there. "Oh God, is she okay?" I could hardly remember Eve, had no recollections of our past relationship. But something told me I'd loved her once, cared for her more deeply than anyone else at least. I couldn't remember her, but I knew her.
"Can we go now?" Lilah gave Eve a sharp kick with the toe of her shoe, and I jumped off the bed and rushed over, lifting her lifeless form into my arms, cradling her against my chest as I knelt there on the floor.
"Don't touch her! What did you do to her?! She didn't do anything to you!"
I was horrified. I knew now that Lilah and I hadn't exactly been the best of friends, but what had Eve ever done to her? Of course, I held off making any judgements on Lilah just yet because for all I know Eve could have very well done something terrible to her. Despite the apparent love I held for the woman, the way she'd treated me in her office led me to believe that my woman was not a particularly nice person.
I took another glance at Lilah and then the door, more confused than I'd ever been.
What should I do?
" couldn't have been her...who was keeping us here?" I whispered, my voice coming out hoarse and disbelieving. It was beyond me that my Eve could ever do anything like that to me, but now I was having doubts.
I couldn't help it. I burst out laughing. Him running to her, and cradling her, like a baby. My hand raised over to my forehead, and I shook my head. Over and Over again. I then walked over to my cupboard, and THANK GOD had some liquor in it. I downed a couple shots. This man was entertaining.. and that was enough to keep him around. I leaned over the sink, and then laughed one more time before taking another shot of my whiskey.
"Calm down. I just hit her. She'll be fine. A bruise here or there, she should be thankful she decided to take the knives out of this place. I would have pulled a Cordelia."
I laughed at my pun. I wouldn't have killed her. I don't kill. I have people do it for me. I sat down my whiskey, and the glass. Who needs a glass anyway. I walked over there again and stood over them..again.
" couldn't have been her...who was keeping us here?"
And once again, I laughed. Before I walked out the door, I grabbed the bottle..screw the glass.
"No Lindsey, not at all. That's why she sent you here in the first place. To be on the other end of the rope."
I talked in my childish voice... And then took more whiskey. I was gonna walk out here drunk. Nice Label. Then I took my first step out the doors. Wonderful.
"Calm down. I just hit her. She'll be fine. A bruise here or there, she should be thankful she decided to take the knives out of this place. I would have pulled a Cordelia."
"This is insane. We should be dead" I choked out, finally lowering Eve back to the floor, albeit gently, still unable to repress my crazy, frantic giggling. "This is completely and utterly insane and who even cares anymore? We're dead, Lilah! Who bloody cares?"
I nearly doubled over in my wild laughter, clutching my stomach and wiping the tears from my eyes.
"Oh. Oh, God. We're dead. Who cares?"
"No Lindsey, not at all. That's why she sent you here in the first place. To be on the other end of the rope."
This was quite possibly the funniest thing I'd ever heard, and another rush of giggling caught me again. My stomach hurt and tears were dripping down my cheeks.
"Other end...of the rope. That's great. This is all so great" I managed to say, before walking over to the liquor cabinent she was standing at.
"You know what? Give me that" I said simply, pouring her another shot and lifting the entire bottle to my lips, downing at least a third of it one swallow. It burned like a holy bitch going down, but I felt it, and that was all that mattered. I didn't even choke or sputter.
He took my whiskey...then DOWNED it. My God, I'm competitive, so I laughed.
"You know what? Keep it." There was a slur kinda in my voice, but whatever. We had a free ticket out of here, might as well drink their booze. After all, where were we to go?
"Why didn't I think of this earlier?" I said this as I grabbed another bottle from the cabinet. This was Vodka. My other rival.
I then attempted to down it like Lindsey did, but amidst all of it, I thought about what he had just said..and he was right. And it was funny. Seeing Eves' face, me being alive. Me being stuck in here, with him. Him being alive. I spit it out, bursting laughing. I felt my sides..splitting with every breath. One thing I loved about old Lilah, was..I liked alcohol. Pertinent in this situation.
Laughing, I spit out these words. "Hey ..Lindsey, I still have a head attached. We must be alive. My God, you should have seen your girlfriends face when she saw the doors opened. Priceless. Drink to that."
I tried to drink but my laughing impeded me against the drain, Lindsey.
I burst out laughing, pausing in my downing of the alcohol to double over once more. Something inside me told me I should have been been horrified because of Eve, but something else just didn't care.
"Here, here!" I choked out through my laughter in response to her, tipping my whiskey bottle against her vodka and listening with delight to the clink that resulted. It was a sweet sound. A wonderful, hilariously sweet sound.
I got down nearly the rest of the whiskey in the next two swallows, wincing slightly at the burn but feeling much more alive than I had before. Who cared that I was dead and having dreams that could apparently harm me in real life? Who cared that a women I seemed to have loved in my past was apparently screwing with my head now? who cared that presently my former biggest rival and most hated enemy was the best and only friend I had? Who cared?
"You're right. We should get out of here. But first..."
Taking the rest of what was left of the bottle of whiskey, I carried it over to the elaborately made, ridiculously expensive-looking couch, and poured the liquor all over it. "They'll never manage to dry-clean this out", then I burst into giggles again.
"Let's go raise some hell, old friend" half-drunk and fairly insane at the moment, I offered Lilah my arm. "It seems we have a mission to attend to", and then I giggled again.
"You're right. We should get out of here. But first..."
He did it. Poured whiskey all over the couch. And Again, I laughed..My sides splitting. Again. I knew they wouldn't give me matches, so I poured some vodka around the kitchen chairs, everything...then at the camera. I know for a fact that they tape everything. So why not put it in fire. I flipped off the camera once again then threw my bottle at it...It shorted, seeing sparks made me laugh, and when a flame grew, I pointed and stood there in jubilee, like nothing was wrong. Trufully, it wasn't. Everything was fine, because I wasn't supposed to be here..and that makes every problem in this world not mine. And I loved it.. Lindsey opened my eyes. I grabbed 3 more bottles of whatever I had in my cupboard. Popped the top, and stepped over Eve like she was a rug. She'd wake up before the fire got to her, and the security would get there too. I'll bet they were already half way there.
"Mm. Jack Daniels. The hard stuff."
I let go of Lindsey's arm and started dancing. Mad. The I calmed down when there were people rushing, not paying attention to us at all.
Most genious plan we had yet.. Cause ruckus, for Wolfram and Hart to clean up. It was bad, good.
And downright hillarious.
"Where do you suppose we go first, Frankenstein?"
So of course, I started clapping. "Brilliant! Inspired. Really"
I watched as she started dancing, in awe. It was perfect. She understood exactly. Then again, of course she did. Like each other or not, we were the only ones who could understand what the other was going through at the moment.
"Where do you suppose we go first, Frankenstein?"
"I have absolutely no idea. Outside sounds good, for starters. I suppose we'll need a car" I glance down at the blood on my arm. "And some new clothes. And a place to stay. I wonder how much money is left in our bank accounts? What say we go shopping, Lilah dear?"
Everything was suddenly crystal-clear to me. No one but Wolfram and Hart knew we were alive. Laws, rules, inhibitions...they were all moot points now. We were above it all. I felt so free, as corny as it sounded. I felt, for the first time since I'd come back, that I was really here. And it was all because of Lilah. No matter how much I'd hated her in the past, I owed her now.
He was right. I didn't quite feel like I wanted to walk outside with the clothes that I have been wearing..for I don't know how long...Stupid time factor..that didn't matter. I took another chug of Mr. Daniels. Oh how I adore thee.
"You know Lindsey.."
I was so slurred.. and hearing myself talk like this made me almost burst out again.
"I remember all the bank account information for here. Unless they changed it..because God forbid..I came back from the dead and tried to steal it..(this made me stop, and breathe. to calm myself down from laughter.) it should be the same.. and it's on this floor."
Holy hell. I liked being dead. I liked it a lot. And being here with insane frankenstein next to me made it all the better. We walked ..well stumbled past a camera.
"Hey. Lindsey..say your eulogy. Wait. That was already spoken..How bout we just wave at Eve. Ha Ha. Imagine her surprise tomorrow, when we're Living like we were to die tomorrow.."
I took another drink and handed a bottle to Lindsey.
"Money here we come."
"Oh re-ally now?" I said, slurring slightly myself, grinning wildly at her. "Well then, what say you and I pay said account a little visit, hmmm?"
"Hey. Lindsey..say your eulogy. Wait. That was already spoken..How bout we just wave at Eve. Ha Ha. Imagine her surprise tomorrow, when we're Living like we were to die tomorrow.."
I burst out laughing once more, turning to face the camera, struggling to keep a solemn expression on my face.
"We are gathered here today in memory of one Lindsey James Mcdonald. He was a young man, and died before his time to be sure. For you see, young Lindsey made the unfortunate decision in life to ally himself with a heartless group of bastards who apparently decided to leave him for dead at the hands of a green demon with...with a really stupid name! But it's all right now, ladies and gentlemen, because that Lindsey is dead. And soon they'll all be, too"
I took a hearty swig from the bottle and followed Lilah down the hallway after flipping the camera off.
"Living like we were to die tomorrow. I like that" I said to her finally. "Who knows? we just might get lucky and do just that"
That was awesome. Finally he hates Wolfram and Hart.. Like I did. Do still. I'd work there, to make them hate me more.. That's it.
"Who knows? we just might get lucky and do just that"
"I'm not leaving this world just yet, Lindsey, M'dear. I won't leave, till all my complementary alcohol is absorbed, I get all the money we need for shopping, and find a way to get rid of that contract that I signed."
Lucky. I wasn't sure if it was luck that brought us here, or bad luck. Either way, I was having fun. Who knew that this would happen? Lindsey turned out to be an alright..Hillarous dead amnesiac. If it was bad luck that got us then far, then by God..keep it rolling.
We reached the safe..well one of them. I had the right code. And my name, and features were still programmed in the security systems. Piece of Cake. I grabbed 2 Million.
"Half and Half my friend."
To make things better, there was a nice blaze in the safe room...that my alcohol fueled. I love me. I started skipping, and drinking along the way. I was rich..where money didn't matter to me, but it did to LA. So here we were, drinking like mad, and skipping, in the building of evil..skipping to get out.
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