To-day = dumb.
Using google image search, find images that match your answers to the following questions. Then post the best picture that shows up.
1. First car: "no tengo coche"
2. Place you were born: "chicago illinois"
3. Place you live now: "loves park illinois"
4. what shows up when you type your name in: "cari"
I would wear a hat like that too.
5. what comes up when you type your grandmothers name in: "shirley"
6. favorite food: "maraschino cherries"
7. favorite drink: "peach iced tea"
8. favorite song: ..I originally put "St. Ides Heaven" but nothing interesting came up, so, I put "Let Down" and got:
9. Favorite smell: "right after it rains"
10. Favorite pair of shoes ever: "dark blue converse"
The conclusion: Google does not work.