Mar 06, 2008 23:06
You know what I miss?
Creed. I loved that freaking band. I used to obsess over their CDs back in the day (back in the day being like six years ago...). And I used to know all their songs by heart even the ones that no one could make out the words too (I heart Scott Strapp even though he sounded like he was mumbling/growling through most of the songs). I want that band to get back together and do a reunion tour. Oh God that would be sweet. *sigh* Until then I'll just listen to My Sacrifice on repeat...hopefully, it will suffice.
Staying on topic, I changed my header! *points to Creed lyrics on header to prove she's on topic* I know, I's a random Pathan header...but I was making avies today and I had both these caps open and they called out to me. They were like "blend us together! (and add those Creed lyrics that you think apply to Peyton and now could apply to Nathan as well)" *cough*
Anyways, lately, I've been in a Pathan mood because I'm sooo Team Nathan it's not even funny when it comes to the Naley drama this season, and I've already made it clear that Peyton deserves better than Lucas. Peyton and Nathan both need some happy times and I would just love a friendship scene between them at this point. Last time Naley had all their drama Nathan had Peyton to lean on and he should have her again....that last part sounds wrong...but y'all know what I mean.
Okay I have nothing else to say...
But if anyone has any suggestions for my next icon batch feel free to point me in a far I have OTH ones from 5.10 made...and some from the OTH 100th episode party thingy.
EDIT: Also, for anyone who watches Lost...I'm totally falling for Jack this season and IT'S NOT FAIR...because I've never liked Jack and all the sudden he's being not whiny and emo....And I'm starting to like Jate more...and Jack/'s like WTF?!?!
I need more Sawyer time to correct this. Pronto!
ship: peyton/nathan,
music: creed,
icon suggestions