Yes, this post is special because it's the first one written on my new laptop. And, because I feel the need to name things, this new addition is named Seeley :D I was really missing a Seeley through my stuff. I already had a Tempe, a plush dolphin, and Sweets, a weather duck. This one is less appropriate than the other two, but I'm already in love with this new laptop, it's so cool and hot so yeah, it's Seeley :D I'm crazy, I know that ;)
Today is Thursday. Usually that means that we get to see Bones thanks to lovely Canada :D Usually. But not when said Canada decides to be mean and not to put out link. That's what happened today. Last night Canada had its new episode but no links came out!! None at all Luckily the Yankees won last night so Fox will air the episode too tonight and maybe tomorrow we fans all over the world will get to see it as well. Hopefully.
Other than the huge Canada Fail today, there are no other Bones news... Italy is still in press silence about when (or more possibly IF) they'll air the episodes.... and some really REALLY weird sides came out last night. The episode is 5x12, the second episode after the Christmas hiatus. The title is "The Proof in the Pudding". WHAT??? What kind of title is that?? and the sides? even weirder! Brennan running around the lab with bones, weird Mr.something guys observing them... really weird! not even space for speculation! we have absolutely NO idea what that was about!! BOH? Anyways... sides are
here if you wanna see them! spoilers alert, of course!
I'm going now, see you tomorrow, hopefully with an episode review ;-) Bye!
Fanfiction suggestion:
A long multichapter. Future fic. B&B are finally a couple. What happens when Brennan loses her memory? Will Booth be able to make her fall in love with him again or is it over before it really got started? Great fic! A LOT happens! :D