Hello :)
In Italy we don't really celebrate Halloween, so I almost forgot about it! Here there are mostly parties in discos and pubs in costumes, nothing more ;-) No trick or treating, kids do it on the night of my birthday for S.Nicholas *lol*
Yep, on the night of December 5th, which happens to be my birthday too, there is a nice tradition for the kids of my town: Saint Nicholas comes! (San Nicolò in Italian) He is a really old guy, with a long white beard, kind of like Santa Claus, but he really existed, he was a bishop ;-) All little kids wait for him at 6pm in the woods outside my town. He comes down the mountain with a sledge (when there is snow! when there isn't he has a "roller sledge" *LOL*) and after talking for a while about kids being nice and bad, he calls every little child and gives them a little present in person. It's REALLY nice.
Meanwhile the oldest kids go from house to house and from shop to shop asking for candies and sweets and wearing those huge cowbells and ringing them all over the town. Kind of like trick and treating, but without costumes except for the cowbells (huge, heavy and smelly!!!)
It's really a nice night, even if always freezing cold, I did both of those things for years! I really miss it sometimes!! And for me it was even more special because it was my birthday! so when i was little first I got an extra present, then when i got older I got LOADS of candies! :D I LOVED IT! And sometimes I still go up in the woods to see San Nicolò coming, it's always exciting even if I don't get presents anymore! :) aww, childhood memories! I really love childhood memories :D
So, back on topic! Today is Halloween! I'm going out with friends tonight, have a pizza and then we'll go to a pub and celebrate a little, but nothing great, just a (hopefully) nice night with friends. Problem is? I'm driving!!! Ow! So no drinks for me, just alcohol-less things ;-) well, we have rotations and it just happens that today is my turn of taking the car ;-)
Have to go now... see you soon!! :D
SERIOUSLY? did you really think that I'd write a whole post without talking about Bones? If you did you don't know me! ;-) I really really miss Bones!! Hopefully next week will be Bones week! It has something to do with baseball games but I didn't really understand it very much *lol*
This morning when I woke up I had the nice surprise of the 5x08 episode stills!! The Foot in the Foreclosure!! The episode with GRANDPA BOOTH!! Wow, thay are awesome, can't wait to see it! Apparently it will air on November 19th.. yeah, it's in forever but it will get here sooner or later :D
Here is the link to those great stills, by the way! Go have a look if you haven't seen them! Spoiler alert, of course!!
I really go now, have to go and get ready for the evening! Bye!!
Fanfiction suggestion:
Today I chose the first fanfic that I've ever read, the one that got me hooked and addicted to the world of fanfiction. It's a really REALLY long fic, it's completed, it starts right after Wannabe in the Weeds and goes on, ignoring the later events. There are some interesting original characters.
There is a sequel too, it's called "Promises", it's not completed yet and there is an NCIS crossover in the later chapters.