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Jun 07, 2004 21:17

hey last week of school. today was a bad day. i think i got out of the wrong side of the shower. lets see in math mr.kelly was kinda a butthead, but what else is new. but i got 100% on the final exam thingy we took a while ago. whoopee. p.e. i got an 87% on the test when almost 3/4 of the class got an 100. oh well. then me and emily and paulina made up a really nice basketball routine. that was quite lovely. language arts and spanish we saw the play. history was boring and i had to catch up on like updating my grades and doing some weird map while trying to get participation points, it was a challenge. then i recited the gettysburg address and said "to" instead of "for" so i didnt get credit and i had to come back after school. poo. then at lunch i realized i forgot my money (again) and so i didnt eat. who cares. but i went to the MP with tessa and we secretly cut like 30 angry 8th graders by giong up with david li and anish and everyone got a little mad but we cleared our consciences so it's alright. then i got the asain group picture that me and tessa are the only white ppl in and i also got the 2 pics with me and tessa and nicole and erika and kaitlyn. yay. then david sat by tessa for like two seconds and then went to play basketball and we just sat around for the rest of lunch. in yearbook we just signed eachothers. they go out to the school tomorrow. and then in health we did bookwork and didnt go to the play. wahcalah. after school i went back to everton and was the 3rd person in line and then the line ended up going from her desk all the way to mr. coutches class. crazy. so i recited and was proud cuz i thought i did it perfect, cuz i had been practicing in my head ever since lunch so i'd say for instead of to, but then i ended up saying "the" instead of "that" and got 25 out of 30. oh my lordy. thats like a B-. its so stupid that i worked so hard to memorize a boring page and my career speech and crammed like heck until like 3 in the morning, just to get a B- for missing one word. out of like a hundred words, it's just one. sorry you probly dont care, but i just found it unbelievable. gahhh. anyways so then i get home, work on my spanish children's book until irish dance. then i dances for two hours but sara wasnt there so i was the only beginner in this class with like all these juniors & seniors who like know everything and made me feel inferior. boo hoo. and it was hard, normally i'm in with the 3rd graders and that was easy, but with the high schoolers its hard. they need an inbetweem class just 4 me. after i got home i ate quizno's for dinner and i was quite ravenous. now i'm suppossed to go to bed (even tho its only 9:30) but i hafta finish illustrating my spanish book and then review my speech. i think it may possibly be a very late night. not looking forward to it. i had a little reality check sorta thingy today. i was in my room after school crying and i dont know why. like i guess it was because of a lot of things. i missed being in elementary school, i dont wanna leave hart, i love being an eighth grader, i dont wanna go to high school, i dont wanna say good bye to people, and i dont want things to get harder. i dont know, like in movies and stuff they always say stuff like "being a teenager is the hardest part of life, you aren't a kid and you aren't a grown up" and i've never really felt like that was true for me, i thought i was just giong to skip that stage. but i guess not because thats exactly how i feel. i'm just a mess right now. i scream into my pillow like every 5 minutes because it makes me feel better. i dunno.. i'm always like this for like a week or two after taylor leaves cuz she's my best friend and she just knows and understands everything. she cries with me and laughs with me and hugs me when i need it.. i dont know, shes just awesome and she left yesterday and i miss her already. i guess im just really confused slash depressed right now even though it should be a happy time cuz of the end of the year and all. tell me if any of you feel the same cuz then i wont feel like such a loser for saying all this. i love all of my friends... thanks for always being there for me.. you know who you all are
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