May 31, 2004 21:38
Found this in Paulina's journal and had the urge to fill it out. :)
Name: Kailey
Do you like it?: no!
Nicknames: lee, uhh thats sorta all except the cheerleaders call me kung fu kailey (lol dont ask)
Age: 13
Birthday: August 3rd
Sign: Leo
Location: california
Status: oh um taken!!
Natural hair color: blondish sorta. i like calling it brunette
Current hair color: same. i dont do anything to it.
Eye color: brown
Height: short :\
Birthplace: sacramento
Shoe size: well the brand kinda depends... i wear shoes from like 3 to 8 so yeah
[ Family ]
Parents: mom nd dad
Siblings: a.j. (18) connor (11) and erin (7)
Live with: all of them gahhh its insanity
Favorite relative: hmmm probly my uncle dan. he's funny.
[ Favorites ]
Number: 22
Color: pink
Day: saturday... sleep in, no hw, and irish dance :)
Month: august - my birthday and summer and swimming and vacation
Song: i dont have one!
Movie(s): well i like lotsa movies
Food: candy
Band: dunno
Season: summer
Sport(s): cheer and soccer. and irish dance
Class: yearbook, spanish, math (only bc of our little gang in the back)
Teacher: not mrs. decicco... or hallahan
Drink(s): shirley temple
Veggie: none :) i dont eat them
TV Show: american idol
Radio Station: nun
Store: umm the whole mall pretty much
Word: shut up. ok thats two, but yeah
Animal: kitties
Flower: white roses
State: california. washington's pretty 2
[ This Or That ]
Me/You: who are you
Coke/pepsi: coke
Day/night: night
Aol/aim: aim
Cd/cassette: cd
Dvd/vhs: dvd
Jeans/khakis: jeans
Car/truck: car
Tall/short: short.
Lunch/dinner: lunch
NSYNC/BSB: uh neither
Britney/Christina: uh neither
Gap/Old Navy: old navy
Lipstick/Lipgloss: lipgloss
Silver/Gold: both :)
Alcohol/Weed: NO!
[ The Past ]
What is the one thing you would change about your life: lotsa things
What is the biggest mistake you've made in your life?: made a lot :\
Last thing you heard: my family talking about how we're not animal people since we've had 8 dogs.... uhh and we've only kept one for it's whole life. the others we gave away. ahh we're bad.
Last thing you saw: my kitty
Last thing you said: i said i'd go to bed at 10:15
Who is the last person you saw?: family
Who is the last person you kissed?: umm nathan creighton in 6th grade... lOl i'm not a kisser, even in my family
Who is the last person you hugged?: friends
Who is the last person you fought with?: my sister bc she was so annoying in montana; she was dressed up like a clown every second and saying "i'm clooney the clown", she was fusssssy, she made up random songs like 'there are eight piggies in a line' and 'bears is', and she spilled sprite on my shoe and pillow so now they reek!
What is the last song you heard?: wierd plane music
[ The Present ]
What are you wearing?: RAGE pj's and a blue shirt
What are you doing?: AIM and fillin this out
Who are you talking to?: alyssa, chris, elise, anish, paulina, erika
What song are you listening to?: nuthin
Where are you?: my kitchen
Who are you with?: no one
Who are you talking to?: wasn't this already asked? alyssa, chris, elise, anish, paulina, erika
Are you online?: yea
How are you feeling?: procrastinatorish
Are you in a chatroom?: yea
[ Future ]
What day is it tomorrow?: tuesday
What are you going to do after this?: finish my magazine and memorize things
Who are you going to talk to?: ummm no one
Where are you going to go?: to my room...
How old will you be when you graduate?: i dunno, however old i'll be in 2008
What do you wanna be?: architect
What is one of your wishes?: dont really have any :\
Where will you be in 25 years?: i dunno
[ Have You Ever ]
Drank?: no
Smoked?: no
Stolen?: no
Done anything illegal?: i don't think so
Wanted to die?: sumtimes
Hit someone?: yeah
[ Other ]
Do you write in cursive or print?: print
Are you a lefty or a righty?: righty
What piercings do you have?: two in each ear, gonna get cartilegde on right too
Do you drive?: not yet
Do you have glasses or braces?: braces
Did you like this survey?: umm sure..?
[ Physical Appearance ]
How many fillings do you have?: none
Do you think you're good looking?: no way
Do other people often tell you that you're good-looking?: sum ppl do, but not a lot
Do you look like any celebrities?: lol some strangers tell me i look like britney spears, but i dont think thats a compliment
[ Fashion ]
Do you wear a watch?: yea -- shrek!!
How many coats and jackets do you own?: kinda a lot
Favorite pants/skirt color?: uhhh pink and blue
Most expensive item of clothing: probly my promotion dress
Most treasured?: i like my yellow lacey tank top
What kind of shoes do you wear?: i dunno.. wierd ones with bobby's world shoe laces
Describe your style in one word: casual...