Dec 15, 2004 08:17
hello! friends, relitives, ppl i know......there is no way for me to tell you this...... it isn't easy... it is really hard...... but i need to tell you what is and has been wrong with me.... why i have been so weak...... why i have been so moody and why i have been.....some one other then my self........ you see i am not mad at any one....... i love you all and i always will...i apologize for being the way i have been...... lately i have been a kinda bitch..... i am sorry for it...... i do have an excuse thow..... besides my mom beating me and my life being hell...... there is one more thing to add....... i still dont know if i am making the right decision by telling every 1 who reads this...... and i just want a promise made befor you read any more.....promise me that you wont be sorry for me or different u promise? we go ........... ok look last year i was diagnosed with overan cancer....its basically cancer of the overeys......but there is no way they can treat it...i mean they have opperations...... but if they might spread and kill me........ so i have decided not to get my sergurie....... and i cant be treated with kemo......i have a life span that is short .......and i am scared as hell but it is ok i know i will be fine.......sorry i have told any one sooner but i was too scared that every 1 will treat me different and i didn't want to belive it my self...... well i am going to go...... love you all your all very special to me........if u have any questions i will answer them for you...........ok got to go ..........