Jan 11, 2005 21:44
Its been months since I have updated...for all of you who still read this here is what is going on in my eventful life.
I am attending Youngstown State University and just finished my first semester...I did pretty well but anything is better than last year.
I have been gone for an entire month in Virgina visiting my grandma, Michigan visiting family and friends and Florida helping my grandparents drive down there. It was all fun except Virgina. My grandma has alzheimers on top of Parkinson's Disease. It was really rough seeing her like that and I hope that I dont have to anymore. I know that seems harsh but it was sooo difficult seeing her where she didnt know what day it was or forgot who people were. It doesnt help that she was a nurse and knows everything so she stops taking medicine and then starts again so it never has the chance to help her.
The day I got home from florida Jeannine, Chris, Mary and Kim came down to visit me. It was fun but i have a feeling that they were bored too. All we did was watch movies and such but I had been gone for so long and was so tired.
I am a youth leader at my church now which is fun but weird because my brother is in the youth group...i just dont really talk to him and give him his space though.