I AM BORED AT WORK AND SOMEHOW WROTE SOMETHING? It's not the best, but it came to me really quickly, so, uh, I hope you like it
Forgot to mention! The prompt was 'Jovial' with some Toph n' Sokka~
Laughter filled the night, wordless songs drifting between each guffaw until it seemed as though the town was lively. It was amazing, then, to think that only two people were making that much racket.
“You know, Toph?” Sokka said as he leaned against the side of the bridge. He glanced behind his shoulder and faintly noted how far down the water was; but it was lost in the haze of the liquor he’d partaken in earlier. “You’re so much more fun to hang out with than, say, Aang.”
She snorted and batted his shoulder with her fist. When he winced, her grin grew. “Twinkle-toes can’t handle a night on the town like we can,” the earthbender stated simply, hands on her hips. “He’s such a lightweight! We’d have to carry him home if he came more often.”
“That,” he said, “is exactly why you’re my drinkin’ buddy. ‘course, it’s not all that much fun when you start a bar fight with benders.” Clearly, he was referring to the night they were still enjoying (well, mostly enjoying, now that they were no longer in a bar). He tossed her a pathetic look, forgetting that she wouldn’t have been able to see it to begin with.
“You like cheering me on,” was her reminder, cocking her head to one side while her brows narrowed. So she enjoyed a good brawl here and there, so what? Lazily walking off the bridge, she linked her hands behind her head and hummed a drinking song. “’sides,” she added, “fun is fun is fun.”
He looked at his feet, trying to make sense of what she’d said. After a moment, however, he shrugged and cheerily clicked his tongue. “You’re right,” he called, stumbling slightly as he trailed behind her. When he bumped into her back, he abruptly stood straight and let out a cough. “S’long as we’re having fun, it’s all good. And I do have fun with you.”
“I have fun with you, too.” Biting her cheek, she added an ever so loving, “Idiot,” after it and tapped her foot. Of course, she couldn’t be too soppy, what with her reputation and all. Her bangs were sticking to her forehead; her feet were covered in mud; her breath was rank and her throat was raw. But she was having more fun than she’d had in a while. With another laugh, she snatched Sokka by the collar and, ignoring the protests of her drunken friend, pulled him down a random path.
The night was still young, and she still had some room for a few more drinks.