Hmm, well, I think it's a decision you shouldn't worry about until a time comes (god forbid) when you actually need to make it. I think it's important that you stay open politically so other women can choose, but I don't think it necessarily has to reflect on what you would do personally. I never, ever would want to bring a child into this world who wouldn't be guaranteed a loving home that could provide for their needs. Abortions are something you have to live with for the rest of your life. I know a few women who have had them, and none would go through the experience again, but all are okay with the choice they made. Like you said above, there's a lot to consider. Your mental, physical, and emotional health are at the top of the list. I am not a particularly religious person and I don't think abortion is murder. I'm sure there's plenty of people on here ready to start LJ drama over that one, but that's just how I feel. I wouldn't think about it so much if I were you, because it's not a decision that can be made at this time in your life. I feel that if it ever does come up, you've got to think about you first. And if having a baby is the right choice for you, then that's perfectly all right. No one else can make that decision for you.
Ahh, is this in any way related to Dean's Book? You have to wonder what takes place in the brain of someone who is selective about their killing of innocent people, huh?
This is very much related to Dean's Book. Inspired by my presentation topic, actually. I think i will always be pro-choice. Thanks for your insight. I think you're right, the decision to have an abortion should be made when and if one actually needs to make it. Thanks Diana.
Ahh, is this in any way related to Dean's Book? You have to wonder what takes place in the brain of someone who is selective about their killing of innocent people, huh?
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