Jan 08, 2011 23:57
Back in the District, trying to get my work done for Monday so that this week doesn't take me out back and shoot me. No, seriously, it might just. Here's my work load for the coming week:
Monday: International Law - 34 pages of reading.
Con Law - 27 pages
Tuesday: Property - Not yet posted (oh, this is going to be a FUN class...)
Criminal Law - 28 pages (been working on it for days and still not done)
Wednesday: International Law - 42 pages
Rhetoric - 102 pages (yes, this is my busiest day)
Constitutional Law - 19 pages
Thursday: Property - not posted
Criminal Law - 6 pages, a video, and locate someone who's been exonerated. (This might be my favorite)
Friday: prep for Monday.
My crossing guard would take this opportunity to remind me that I signed up for this. And she'd be right, too.
Also, my smoke alarm does not like when I turn my oven on (no, it doesn't smoke, I just have a very touchy alarm and will speak with the amazing Super of awesome).
This has been your near-midnight dose of random.