Open letter RE TSA

Nov 17, 2010 18:53

Dear Senator Kyl,

As a law abiding citizen of Arizona who travels regularly, occasionally to countries with high terrorism rates, I am appalled by the TSA's new security measures. I have been concerned for some time that the agency was significantly over-stepping the boundaries of effective security, and into the realm of un-justifiable interference with commerce. However, the recent addition of Advanced Imaging Technology with the option of public molestation by TSA employees is completely inappropriate, and probably criminal. As a citizen of the united states I value my basic rights to bodily integrity and personal freedom.

The new TSA protocols are a flagrant violation of the fourth amendment protection against unlawful search and seizure. What's more, I know from personal experience that these security measures will not make America safer, it only gives us more to fear from our own government. Maintaining a high security level in India has not made that country safer. I was frisked upon entering any populated place, but the agents no longer cared and India was not made safer. These measures do not serve the people.

I am also certain that even with these blatant abuses of power, the TSA will not be able to prevent attacks on aircraft. A certain level of terrorism is the price we pay for being a world power. No amount of frisking or strip searching could have prevented the Oklahoma City bombings. I, as an American, am willing to assume the risk presented of an occasional in-flight attack rather than the guaranteed violation of my person every single time I fly. Senator, this is the first Christmas in three years I will be able to see my family. In order to do that, I will have to subject myself to either a strip search or an invasive molestation at the hands of a government agency. I have never been convicted of nor suspected of a crime. You cannot tell me that this is just.

Not only are these measures terrible for public safety, security, and a blatant violation of the rights of American citizens, they will greatly inhibit the rights of airlines to free trade. No government agency should have the right to deny an industry access to its customers the way the TSA is doing now. The only reason I am flying now is because I cannot take the train. Senator, I beg of you, as a constituent and a woman in need of adequate representation in my government, please do whatever is in your power to have these atrocious violations of my rights dispelled.

Sincerely Yours,
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