Nov 01, 2010 20:55
One of my colleagues posted on Facebook that she was going to participate in NaNoWriMo this month. And my initial reaction was "woman, you crazy SAUCE." Then I recalled. Writing keeps me sane. So. As it's not too late, I too shall jump on the madness. My NaNoWriMo goal will be to either update this journal once a day or write a little of one of the stories I am giving to my Sister's offspring for Christmas. Because I am poor. And have learned that I have skill as an illustrator. Through doodling on stickie tabs to give to my friends when they have bad days. In class. Don't judge.
NaNoWriMo day 1 goal: accomplished
PS. Those of you actually writing substantive things, please don't take offense. This is literally the best I can do.