Fallen Love,Chapter Five

Sep 10, 2011 23:50

Unsure of how Dawn could think Kali's death was her fault, Gabriel floundered at how to handle this. In no way had he planned this scenario when picturing Dawn's reaction to her mother's death. Thus he was unsure of how to handle it, he was even tempted to summon Lucifer to his side to help but thought better. So he just held Dawn in his arms and wings and waited for her to calm down

"Why do you think her death is your fault, Dawnie?"

"Because she caught me with my wings out....and she just knew...I didn't know what to do. She made me promise not to tell you...She said that she didn't mind, that she would love me no matter what...I didn't know she would attack you, Papa..I swear I didn't know. I trusted her....I am so sorry, Daddy. I didn't mean for her to see it."

"I know, Princess. I know." Gabriel pulled Dawn to him tighter and rocked her, as he had when she was a child." This was in no way your fault..You trusted your mother, as you should be able to do and I am so so sorry that you couldn't. I want you to know though, to remember that she did love you. Above all else in this world. You will always be her daughter and you will always be mine and nothing will ever be allowed to harm you. No matter what."

"I hate her,I will always hate her."


"No.I HATE HER. She tried to kill you....You don't hate me for..for what happened, do you, Daddy?"

"No,no of course not. Nothing will ever make me hate you let alone a mistake. You could murder...anyone and I still wouldn't hate you.I love you and your siblings more than anyone else in existence. Even my mate...Your Uncle. There will never come a time where I am not there for you. No matter what." The two of them sat together, holding onto each other for a long time before Dawn was finally able to separate and look at her father without tears.

"Thank you, Daddy."

"Your welcome,Princess. Ready to face the others now." Reluctant but stubborn nod.

Returning with Dawn to the side of the rest of his children and Lucifer was rather..nice. His true family. The only one that mattered now and he would never let anything happen to this one. Gabriel knew that Lucifer felt the same by their bond, as Lucifer had already accepted the children's importance to Gabriel and would thus protect them with his life , while he was with Dawn. And that was enough for Gabriel as while Lucifer may not love his children yet, he may never love them, Gabriel knew that Lucifer would never intentionally allow him to be hurt. Thus his children were safe, after all who could hurt them with an Archangel and the Devil watching out for them. No one that's who.

The weeks past swiftly after that, with Lucifer getting to know Gabriel's children and they getting to know him. And Gabriel was happy getting to re-know his mate, who had been so long without and had missed more than words could ever say. More than humans or any other species in existence would ever be able to comprehend. So he was incredibly glad to be reunited with him again. The gaping hole that resided beside them where Michael should be was hard on both of them but as time moved on and they were more deeply connected, it began to be less..intense. Both knew it would never stop hurting as Michael was their mate and they had been ONE for millennia beyond count but they hoped that with time they could..forget.

Lucifer left the house to do..Apocalypse things that Gabriel never asked about and Lucifer never offered to talk about. They knew that the issue would be forced soon but for now Gabriel was happy ignoring Michael and Lucifer's approaching battle. As the mere idea of Michael dying was horrible and crushing but so was the idea of Lucifer's death. More even as their reunion had made Gabriel more in-tuned to him over Michael. Who Gabriel could barely tolerate since Lucifer was banished from their home. The fact that he was once again with Lucifer, that he had chosen Lucifer meant that while losing Michael would be devastating on a level that would never heal, losing Lucifer would destroy him.

So Gabriel was preparing himself while wishing that the day would just stay away as despite what he had told Dean, he didn't truly wanted it over with. As no matter what, he would be losing his brother and mate. the fact that he had made a choice after all this time just made it so much worse. If he came out of all this with all his sanity intact it would be a miracle.

Lucifer knew and understood what he was going through and tried to comfort him as much as possible."I would do things differently if I could.. I love him just as I love you, if I could not fight him I would but you know..The point that was possible is long over with and I no longer can just ignore what has happened."

Though every part of Gabriel wished it was different, he knew that Lucifer spoke the truth. It was far to late, both because of Lucifer's pride and Michael's arrogance and need to please Father. The fight would happen, half the world would die and the victor would get the rest. So all Gabriel did was wrap his arms and wings around his mate and hold on as he cried for the first time in thousands of years, mourning the come battle and the death of either Michael or Lucifer.

"If you die on me...I will never forgive you."

"i shall do my very best...Now that I have found you again I will not tolerate our separation, not for any reason. Even death."

The kiss they shared was bitter sweet but perfect. Their passion was soon all consuming and they fell to the ground, snapping their respective clothes away. Their union was fierce yet tender, passionate yet furious, complete yet missing something. Both of them knew somehow that it would be  the last time till after the Battle so their need for one another was absolute. As they both quickly approached their mutual climax they entangled their hands and their wings together and held on as they came yelling out in their true voices each others names.

"I love you, Lucifer..Never forget that."

"Nor should you forget that I love you..No matter the outcome, I shall love you in life and in death. Nothing, not even Father will ever be able to stop my loving you..The fact that it has come to this...to the fact that we maybe separated forever is my mistake and you are forbidden from ever blaming yourself..Mourn me but do not ever try to join me if I fail..Live for me, my brother, my mate, my All."

"Enough of this talk, brother. You will win and you will come back to me. Nothing else matters anymore save for you returning to my side once again...We were separte for so long and now I have you again, I do not think I can bare for you to not be at my side for all of time..So you come back to me. For if you do not I shall find a way to bring you back and make you suffer more then all the citizens of Hell. Understand."

"I do and I will, I swear it....Though your threats, though I know them to be true, are turning me on, what with you being all..intense..It is quite..lovely."

"Come back to me and you shall get all the intentness's you can get."

"There is nothing that will keep me from you,even death...I shall deal with Michael then the Earth and I shall return to you."

Then it happened Michael was calling for Lucifer, the battlefield was ready and there was nothing to say anymore between them save for this.

"It's time."

A/N: Sorry for the long wait. If anyone is still interested in this, send cookies aka comments

character:lucifer, fallen love, spn_fanfic, fandom:spn, pairing:gabriel/lucifer, spn_fandom, character:gabriel, supernatural

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